Nike Likes Big Butts...and Thighs...And Knees


With the launch of a new campaign, Nike has made official the mini-trend towards celebrating less than stick figure sized woman. Following Dove's much talked about campaign, Nike has launched a series of print ads that celebrates big butts, thunder thighs and tomboy knees. The big 'ol booty is pushing aside the anorexic runway model and Ms. Magazine Founder Gloria Steinem is very happy about it telling Ad Age, "It is a change that women and some men, too have been agitating for 35 years. I spent 15 years of my life pleading for ads that reflected our readers by age, race and ethnicity. We could demonstrate that women responded better to ads that were more inclusive of them, but they just weren't coming." The campaign comes from Wieden & Kennedy

by Steve Hall    Aug-15-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine   

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I like the ad in principle. Too bad the copy's overwrought and overwritten - a pallid echo of the great stuff they used to do a decade or so ago. Also, I find it ironic that Ms. Steinem is championing the trend toward bigger booties. Next to her exceedingly slim frame, Paris Hilton looks like Rosie O'Donnell.

Posted by: tyree on August 15, 2005 11:06 AM

Is that a man or a woman modeling? Is that a man or a woman's voice in the ad? Not that it matters. Despite everything.

Posted by: bootifull on August 15, 2005 11:47 AM

I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung
Wanna pull up tough
Cuz you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh, baby I wanna get with ya
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But that butt you got
Make Me so horney
Ooh, rump of smooth skin
You say you wanna get in my benz
Well use me use me cuz you aint that average groupy

Posted by: Pace on August 15, 2005 1:28 PM

Whatever! Good concept, and it makes for a cute PR story. Now if Nike's womens clothes actually fit anyone with a less-than-perfectly-svelte frame, they'd really be on to something. (Serena's gear is most certainly custom-made, so she doesn't count.) They've definitely tapped into the trend...just haven't followed suit with their product.

Posted by: adgirl on August 15, 2005 1:32 PM

"Ms. Magazine Founder Gloria Steinem is very happy about it telling Ad Age, "It is a change that women and some men, too have been agitating for 35 years. I spent 15 years of my life pleading for ads that reflected our readers by age, race and ethnicity."

So shouldn't she have led by example and used her 'pleads' to have her rag run more of a mix of sizes, shapes, and colors. Pure pandering to the new PC thought and view.

Also agree with adgirl...they need to follow through and actually produce and have stores stock the merch. Not like the GAP has done...put out some plus sizes by waist mesurement but don't tailor the sizing to the hips or legs that would accompany that size...typical of the CrAP.

Posted by: TommyTwoCents on August 15, 2005 4:10 PM

Dove, Nike, etc all rehacking Anita Rodick's (Body Shop)Ruby campaign in 1997, it was oroginal then - not now.

The Body Shop launched a campaign based on 'Ruby', a real doll representing real women: "There are three billion women in the world who don't look like supermodels and only eight who do"."


Posted by: Ian McKee on August 15, 2005 5:43 PM

If you can to the Nike-site and click on 'See the Nikewomen ads' in the right corner, you can see all six ads and some video's of the women.

Posted by: Erik van Roekel on August 16, 2005 7:23 AM

The visuals were still okay, but the videos were no comment. And I've seen and heard the talk all before.

Posted by: Nancy on August 16, 2005 9:54 AM

I mean, what is Nike trying to accomplish here? Are they saying, "Congratulations, you have a big fat @ss just like the rest of America?" I don't see how a picture of a big donkey ass is gonna make their sales jump through the roof.

Posted by: Jill04 on August 16, 2005 7:19 PM

Jill04: Don't misinterpret the big-butt ad by Nike that looks like a "big donkey ass" to you. I think it's great that every woman's body is appreciated-- before it was the anorexic runway model. Your comment was very ignorant.

Posted by: CG on August 17, 2005 4:25 PM

Have to agree with AdGirl and Tommy Two Cents...anyone larger than the average size 14 American woman would have a tough time finding the cool Nike wear in their size. I like that the ads are more representative of the realworld, but Nike's gotta walk the walk... better yet, they oughta run! At least when Curvation (VF Intimates) launched two years ago, their ad agency (ink&co) chose Queen Latifah as a spokesperson --she's a total believer and a wearer of the bras and she's pure inspiration and aspiration to fans of the brand. They even spearheaded a new nomenclature for the category: "curvaceous". This was the first brand to really celebrate curves, rather than apologize for them. No significant ad presence yet...but they just launched CurvationNation on their site -- a virtual community for curvaceous women. Check it out and let us know what you think. It's still young so be kind, but be candid. Thanks!

Posted by: C on August 17, 2005 11:28 PM

Have to agree with AdGirl and Tommy Two Cents...anyone larger than the average size 14 American woman would have a tough time finding the cool Nike wear in their size. I like that the ads are more representative of the realworld, but Nike's gotta walk the walk... better yet, they oughta run! At least when Curvation (VF Intimates) launched two years ago, their ad agency (ink&co) chose Queen Latifah as a spokesperson --she's a total believer and a wearer of the bras and she's pure inspiration and aspiration to fans of the brand. They even spearheaded a new nomenclature for the category: "curvaceous". This was the first brand to really celebrate curves, rather than apologize for them. No significant ad presence yet...but they just launched CurvationNation on their site -- a virtual community for curvaceous women. Check it out and let us know what you think. It's still young so be kind, but be candid. Thanks!

Posted by: C on August 17, 2005 11:29 PM

nowa kampania NIke

Posted by: [email protected] on August 18, 2005 9:11 AM

Nike Likes Big Butts - I saw this ad on GMA this morning and I love the content. Also, I want to tell you that I am 70 years old, work out 2 hrs 6 days a week and many tell me that I have the legs of a 20 year old, a hard body and I am proud of my work out achievements. You need me in your ads.

Posted by: Sylvia Gittleman on August 18, 2005 1:05 PM

It's about time. Let's hope the age of the anorexic is coming to an end. There is absoultely nothing wrong with a fit and shapely woman. Beauty has been seen through one lens for long enough. Some of us men appreciate women with curves. Be shapely, be fit, be loved, no matter what anyone says.

Posted by: Howard on August 19, 2005 3:43 AM

At first I was really thrilled to hear that Nike was using "real women" in their ads. Then I saw the first ad - the one with the big butt. Okay, so she's bragging about how she got her butt SMALLER!!! How she fell into the trap of "it's got to look good to get attention." What a crock!!! Oh, and to con, you say "anyone larger than the average size 14".... well, you caught my attention with that because though it may be STARTING to become the acceptable average, even those of us teetering on that size (between a 14 and a 16) walk down the street and get called a fata**. We are caught in that abyss between acceptably thin and acceptably plus sized. We are the lost that the fashion industry just doesn't care about (even though we make up approximately 30% of all women walking around now) and they show it not only in their advertising but in their blatent disregard for the fit of their clothing on those of us with real HIPS as well!! I guess I am one of the "lucky ones." I have a husband who fell in love with me at a size 16, loved me at a size 22 after I had our son, and loves me still as I teeter in the abyss between a 16 and a 14. And I've come to discover that there are a lot of them out there just like him. It almost seems that women are more cruel than men when it comes to our sizes. I guess it's a case of misery loves company, huh?

Posted by: EvaHW on August 19, 2005 11:34 AM

I'm personally pretty appalled by this campaign. The true trouble is that the butt and thighs in the ad are not gigantic, they are athletic and as close to perfect as possible. The women in those photographs look GREAT so what are they hoping to convey? Let's forget about your waif wanna-be's and anorexic-like figures being the standard for beauty (I think that this ad assumes a lot)...what we have left is that even the most incredibly toned and truly beautiful women have to embrace their bubble butts and thunder thighs. The 'hairy sticks' on the other hand are closer in my opinion to being unattractive but they are the only one of the three that mentions anyone else (other than their inner diva) thinking positively about their body: 'they are revered, envied for their strength, honored for their beauty'. Strange that the image closest to a typical model would say this. I echo the comment posted by Bootifull, which gender is responsible for this clunker of a mixed message? Are they trying to change attitudes or merely reiterating old ones? These ads don't make me feel good and they only thing they inspire me to do is write. Off the mark Nike, or is this what your team of market analysts had in mind?

Posted by: stella_fury on August 21, 2005 12:33 PM

love the ad love it more butt more curves you got my attention but how come black butts are OK and when white women are big butted its an issue? I love all big butts more white butt please as well.

Posted by: m skeates on August 21, 2005 8:54 PM

It's great reading all these comments. It's time that large women get their dues.

Posted by: Olga on August 23, 2005 1:58 AM

I think Nike's ads are right on target. You see, they are not going after just real women, or larger women like Dove has. They are going after the women who exercise regularly, the ones who no matter how much they work out, will never look like a cover model. The target audience is not just "real women." It's "real women who are fit but not skinny." And as a member of that target audience, I have to say that the ads absolutely resonate, and they are relevant. Well done, Nike.

Posted by: Jennifer Whetzel on August 24, 2005 1:49 PM

Hi my name is Kara- Kadesha Thompson. I'm a Black female of the age of 20. I saw the ad of Nike in a Glamour magazine, and I was amazed by what I saw and I thank you for putting that ad out. I to also have a big butt and a scar on my knee, and people think that there's something wrong with that, now after the ad has been put out I dont think they would think like that anymore.
But I love your ad and thank you for realizing what is beautiful on a Black female.

Posted by: Kara- Kadesha Thompson on August 25, 2005 9:37 AM

I loved these ADs. I am 15 years old and 137 pounds of pure muscle. I have a larger butt, and big thighs. I saw these ADs in a magazine and I had to come online and find them. They made me feel good, and its letting the world know not all pretty people are anorexic.

Posted by: Kim on August 27, 2005 9:02 PM

I think that Nike should take-up Sylvia Gittleman on her generous offer and let us see her hard body. I'm sure that seventy year olds buy shoes too. I'll give Nike a sporting chance,you can probably find Sylvia in Pottsville,PA

Posted by: mirrorimage on September 4, 2005 4:27 PM

I think that Nike should take-up Sylvia Gittleman on her generous offer and let us see her hard body. After all, seventy year olds wear shoes too. I'll even give Nike a sporting chance,they can probably find Sylvia in Pottsville,Pa.

Posted by: mirror-image on September 4, 2005 4:42 PM

I think that this ad is an awesome thing I have had junk in the trunk ever since i was a little kid and i have heard from many guys that it is a good thing I think that this is a good way to show younger girls that you don't need to be a size two to be sexy be who you are and that's all that you need to be. It also shows that an atheltic body doesnt have to be stick skinny either great job Nike keep it up we love to see these kinds of ads in our magazines i was so happy to see this ad in glamour way to go Nike!!!

Posted by: Monika on September 7, 2005 1:16 AM

You know, all these years being athletic and not being part of the regular group for the buns area, this is nice.

Wake up America, Smell the Coffee . Not all of us are perfect size 8,10 and some of us are in good shape and like the busty girls, some of us have the booty. Tried to cover it, or buy odd sizes, now it's cool and alright to have a booty.
Works for me, in Arizona and having a Booty,Nice Nike is first to put out this ad.

Posted by: Cecilia on September 12, 2005 9:49 PM

I love Nike's new ad. It was definitely getting old seeing skinny, airbrushed models all over the magazines. I am a very athletic young woman and have those exact legs and butt they are talking about. It comes right along with the genes and I am very proud of it. It's good to see that Nike is showing the fit people that wear their clothes. I am not trying to put down girls that are naturally thinner than normal, I'm just excited to see companies starting to recognize the girls that are not skinnier than normal. I hope this does boost their sales because it is a big step to finally helping women feel better about themselves.

Posted by: Miranda on September 12, 2005 10:45 PM

I think that it is so good to have something like this for people to hear i am 13 and i run track and play football i have always been little tomboy. But now that i'm in eighth grade i guesss weighin 150 isn't okay anymore. I mean i don't wear anything but jeans, and the jeans i wear don't fit my curves. I wish you guys had a major clothing line for "girls" with curves.


Posted by: Jucee Johnson on October 3, 2005 5:53 PM

I'm glad to see black women being so proud of their round, apple butts but we have wayyyyyyyy more going for us than our butts. That's all you see now, young black girls in videos, being exploited. They don't even look at their faces anymore, turn around, let me see ya butt. And black men, always lusting about the young, big butts, often resulting in unwanted pregnancies and births. Millions of young, black girls, having 3,4,5 babies by 3,4,5 different men and most times, all involved are unmarried, uneducated and unemployed. And who suffers? The children. How sad. Children aren't asked to be born. You see no correlation in the two? Many Americans, black or whie, never do see the truth. Peace.

Posted by: gingerggg on October 26, 2005 4:39 PM

The time has indeed come for advertising companies to recognize the contribution of plus-size women. It's time that large women get their dues. We hope to see more such women on TV and in ads all over the country and the world.

Posted by: Promdressesrock on October 30, 2005 6:30 PM

I belive there is a point to consider, the term "Bubble Butt" does not mean big fat bunns I dunno where you guys got the term mixed.

There are plenty of women that are by no means big but you can see that their butts are Bubble like.

Posted by: ariel on January 5, 2006 8:21 PM

I am an African American young woman, and I have to say that I disagree. Of course it looks good to all women who have said round booty. But it seems to me that "curvaceous" figures are now replacing the model image, which means that NIKE is doing nothing but getting with the times. Everyone now adores the rounded bottom as opposed to the slim and toned one, so that's what they're putting out. To say nothing of that fact that that round bottom is still attached to a tiny waist.
Therefore, the only thing it is doing is perpetuating the stereotype that all Black women have huge butts (which is not true, as I have been unfortunately called "white girl butt" many times) and saying that instead of having a toned, trim body you now want to have both big boobs and a big butt. So where does that leave everyone who doesn't have these things?

Posted by: cj on January 9, 2006 9:14 AM

I found a book called "How to get a Round Booty and a Wafer Thin Waist without surgery"

Posted by: JAne on January 13, 2006 12:57 AM

I Think that its great to accept and embrace all shapes and sizes but also remember in this whole "real woman" thing that some of us simply thin and it doesn't make us any less women... I am a size zero to one, i am active and eat a ton and have tried every way that i can to gain weight to no avail. Sometimes in the way of promoting a more curvaceous body type people are really cruel an unaccepting of others. Just remember some of us don't choose to be "anarexically thin."

Posted by: J on April 2, 2006 5:53 PM

Yeah,I know what yall are saying. I am 14 and guys at my school are like if you get thicker you would be right. I was But im not pressured into getting a big ass and stuff , if i do i do if i don't oh well, get on with life. There is more than a girl than her ass, but guys will never understand that. Im not skinny (like boney )but i have a nice shape, i am 5"4 and weigh 119.2. That's kinda normal to be in the 8th grade. But i'll talk to ya lata. Peace outty,

Posted by: Livin life on September 26, 2006 8:53 PM

Yeah,I know what yall are saying. I am 14 and guys at my school are like if you get thicker you would be right. I was But im not pressured into getting a big ass and stuff , if i do i do if i don't oh well, get on with life. There is more than a girl than her ass, but guys will never understand that. Im not skinny (like boney )but i have a nice shape, i am 5"4 and weigh 119.2. That's kinda normal to be in the 8th grade. But i'll talk to ya lata. Peace outty,

Posted by: Livin life on September 26, 2006 8:54 PM

For More Info Visit Web Site:

Posted by: james on November 21, 2006 10:22 PM

I am a white girl with a big butt and I only weigh 105 pounds!! I don't know why or how I got a big butt, but I have become terribly self-conscious about it and find myself staring at it in the mirror constantly... crying. Any words of wisdom?

Posted by: Amanda on March 13, 2007 1:02 AM

No words of wisdom needed. Big butts are hot.

Posted by: Steve Hall on March 13, 2007 11:14 AM

I was trying to find the book titled "How to get a Round Booty and a Wafer Thin Waist without surgery". The link doesn't work anymore. I was just wondering how I could get the book.

Posted by: Shavawn Boyer on May 23, 2007 8:10 PM

For More Info Visit Web Site:

Posted by: james on July 11, 2007 8:57 PM


Posted by: james on August 6, 2007 8:18 PM


Posted by: james on August 6, 2007 8:18 PM


Posted by: james on March 31, 2008 6:42 PM

My favorite comment.(LOL) I agree with Pace. I love in Oakland Cali' and I must say the men here would agree with this song. And some ladies to. BAY AREA!
I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung
Wanna pull up tough
Cuz you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh, baby I wanna get with ya
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But that butt you got
Make Me so horney
Ooh, rump of smooth skin
You say you wanna get in my benz
Well use me use me cuz you aint that average groupy

Posted by: lucy on December 6, 2008 11:52 PM

I meant I live in Oakland Cali', but I love in Oakland to.

Posted by: lucy on December 6, 2008 11:55 PM

Your trippin' Amanda. Your lucky! Alot of white girls down where I live (Oakland CA), would love to be in your position. I'm thin too and I have a big butt, I'm glad I do cause if not I would think I was to thin. Keep your head up Amanda.:)

Posted by: lucy on December 7, 2008 12:03 AM

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Posted by: cogbiz on November 29, 2009 8:36 PM

Ok I'm a 14 year old girl and I weight 115 lbs and im 5'3 and I have a big butt(have no choice thnx to my mama) and I'm comfortable with it...and yes I'm black...but not all blk ppl have big butts either...anyways I'm saying all girls should be comfortable with their body frame and shouldn't be pressured to change it. and yes even white girls can hav junk n there trunk!

Posted by: cynthia on December 6, 2009 2:22 AM