Leveraging frustration with rising gasoline prices, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) has placed a billboard campaign anyone at the gas pump can identify with.
Well, the comparision with Germany in specific or Europe in general, doesn't really hold. Much of the difference is in taxes. In Europe the taxes on gasoline are much higher in order to support the more progressive infrastructure. They pay more for gas, and we pay for health care...
Now that goes to show you a transit system in touch with it's community, and clever to boot!
Heard of gas prices in germany ?? about 6,50 $ per gallon. So ?
Well, the comparision with Germany in specific or Europe in general, doesn't really hold. Much of the difference is in taxes. In Europe the taxes on gasoline are much higher in order to support the more progressive infrastructure. They pay more for gas, and we pay for health care...
We are just at the beginning, expect gas prices to probably double in the next year or so.
Vist http://www.peakoil.com to see why -- just watch out for the paranoid weirdos that hang out on there.