Adrants Wants Blog Advertising Panelists


We/I/Adrants will be moderating a panel at BlogOn, called "Can Advertising Be Social?", October 18 in NYC. The panel will focus on "social media" but concentrate on weblogs as both a medium through which to advertise and as a standalone element that is part of a larger ad campaign - like the recently launched Vespa blogs or the long running Stonyfield Yogurt blogs. Even character blogs. Basically, it's a panel about how blogs fit into marketing and advertising programs. I'm looking to fill two panel slots with client-side marketers who have used blogs in their marketing mix. The agency side will be part of the panel too but that slot is filled. So if you are a marketer and want to share your insights and success at a big, two day blog conference in New York City, please express your interest in the Comments section.

by Steve Hall    Aug-18-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Industry Events   

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I'll make sure to be in the audience for this one. I still need to do my pro-character blog post on my blog.

Customer blogs are a different breed. Do you go for the newbie, the average user and customer, or do you find seasoned bloggers and then hire them? The first is bold and creative, the latter is safe but boring.

Posted by: Jeremy Pepper on August 18, 2005 10:51 PM

How about English Cut

The blog IS the advertising and marketing program.

Thomas is planning on coming into NY in October but I'm not sure of the timing. Contact me or Hugh if you are interested....

Posted by: David Parmet on August 19, 2005 8:53 AM

I would love to participate in the BLOGON to talk about the MotorSport Ranch blog. It details my experience producing a reality television show (of the same name). The blog was the ONLY marketing I did for the show and eventually the show was sold and aired on INHD (an HD network available in 37MM homes in the US). Recently I signed a coproduction deal to make 26 episodes sponsored by a major car company. The blog is going to be the primary advertising medium for the series.

The blog reveals how little I knew about television production - many of the networks we talked to liked that aspect of the show - they made the blog part of the series deal (i.e. I have to blog about the process). Ironically, the blog has better traffic than the show (not sure that is a good thing).

Posted by: Alexander [TypeKey Profile Page] on August 19, 2005 10:04 AM

Let me know if you need me. I would consider coming out to NYC.


Posted by: Jim Kukral on August 19, 2005 11:06 AM

We've designed and maintained two blogs that fit what you are looking for:

For A&E Network and their show INKED:

For Svedka Vodka:

Posted by: Marc on August 19, 2005 11:33 AM

Other than the fact that is working to fix our headers for our blogs I'd be more than happy to be on your panel as blogs really virally drove the launch of our first product "mypetfat".

Case in point we were on your blog back in January o4

So after I saw the viral affect of blogging I started a few blogs and once I can get typepad to fix those puppies I'll be back at ya with our links.

Hey, if you want me on your panel I'll bring along some "fat" for show and tell.

mypetfat - "helping lighten the world one pound at a time"

[email protected]

Posted by: Jay Jacobs on August 19, 2005 2:11 PM

NewsGator would be interested in sitting on the panel. We are an RSS platform company - and we use several blogs as part of our marketing mix. Founder, Greg Reinacker's blog - - Nick Bradbury's blog (which, btw made the controversial Technorati 500) - - and finally our company blog -

On a separate subject, Steve, did you teach Market Research for advertising at the U of I ca. 1995?

Posted by: Jennifer on August 19, 2005 2:22 PM

If you're interested in the character blog side of things, Secret Sparkle Body Spray might be a good one ( Lots of debate would come out of it for sure. Have to check on feasibility but I'll raise my hand for now.

Posted by: Dave on August 19, 2005 4:24 PM

Dave, I'm interested but you left me no method of contacting you. Please do.


Posted by: Steve Hall on August 23, 2005 2:28 PM

This should engender some fascinating debate. I look forward to reading about the write up.

Peter from


Posted by: Peter Brady on August 30, 2005 6:22 AM

Add Another Panelist to BlogOn

The reason? At Flog-Your-Blog I provide a unique service for bloggers to increase their ad revenue.

I help them get the respect they deserve from agency and client-side marketers--by developing professional-grade marketing materials and media kits--with the content, appearance, and tone that media decision-makers are accustomed to when evaluating alternative media venues for their brands.

The force behind this is Janet Stanton, an accomplished, credentialed marketer who has achieved successes for blue-chip clients such as Procter & Gamble, Nortel, and many others, while working at well-respected ad agencies such as Grey, Bates, and others. She knows her way around the blogosphere and is working with some of the pre-eminent global bloggers.

Therefore, she is uniquely qualified to be the "bridge" over the chasm separating the idiosyncratic blogosphere and sophisticated agencies and marketers.

Reach her at

Janet Stanton


[email protected]

Posted by: Janet Stanton on September 7, 2005 10:31 AM