Safe Sex Campaign Says 'No Rubba, No Hubba Hubba'
Adland pokes fun at a New Zealand safe sex campaign commercial which features a cartoon rapper spouting, "there will be no hubba hunbba if you ain't got no rubba." Give it a look. It's funny. It's stupid. It might even work.
HAHA...this isn't for homophobes...
The closing shot with the fellas bouncing along is classic and hilarious. "Oh, look, it's a cartoon rapper that's interrupting our make-out-session, let's bounce with him!"
In college I won a t-shirt and about 100 condoms from the University Health department for coining the phrase "Put a hoody on your woody or you won't get no goody-goody." It probably proved as appealing and influential to men as this will be. It's the invincibility factor.