Kazaa Bitch Slaps Claria Over Separation
Kazaa is displeased with how it's been portrayed in the media surrounding Claria's termination of an agreement between the two parties. While the split has widely been attributed to Claria's ongoing mission to "clean up its act" leading many to interpret Kazaa might have, in some way, tarnished the Claria brand.
Kazaa, in a press release, claims the real reason for the split "followed ongoing issues between the parties relating to Claria's lack of performance of its obligations under the agreement and steps Sharman (Kazaa parent company) had already taken to investigate and rectify that performance."
Kazaa further claims, "Claria's announcement is contrary to its obligations under the agreement. At present, Sharman continues to perform its obligations whilst pursuing its options under the Agreement."
Ha ha ha. Kazaa is now the pariahs,pariah. Two parisites looking at each other. Kazaa go straight to jail, do not pass go,do not collect $200. The monopoly you dreamed of is fading fast. You are reaping the harvest you have sown.