Time Inc. Hires Graffiti Artist to 'Bomb' Billboard
ANIMAL Magazine publisher Bucky Turco tells us he's heard from an industry insider legendary graffiti artist COPE2 has been hired by Time Magazine to bomb a billboard on Houston and Wooster in New York. We're told Fallon arranged the deal which calls for COPE2 to bomb the billboard with tags over a four week period culminating with the application of the Time logo and promotional copy. In a world where Paris Hilton sells hamburgers, the source comments, we shouldn't really be all that surprised staid Time, Inc. might do something like this. Full sized images here, here and here.
Today's marketplace calls for non-traditional advertising, but co-opting a technique whose roots are firmly anti-corporate and anti-establishment signals two important things: that true grafitti is dead (really dead) and that contemporary advertising values disguising its commercial intentions ... at least until the very end.
Hard to judge before we see where it goes, but I like anyone who does something different, especially in something as repetetive as outdoor. It's refreshing to see a company, especially a staid one, willing to pay for media without splashing their sales message everywhere.
I saw the billboard walking to work this morning and thought it was pretty cool. It sort of looked like someone really bombed it but I didn't think that was the case because I assumed it was an ad. But still I liked it because it wasn't something screaming in my face, it was just a cool colorful thing. More billboards should try to beautify if they're going to be up in my neighborhood for a couple of months.
Bucky Turco
Always ahead of the game........
Go and get a proper job
Word. Hit the 'urban' market ,yo.
If the ad cliche of the 90's was 'skysurfing', graffiti and breakdancing are the present-day equivalents
Word. That's cynical.
I'm not going to be rushing to buy a magazine or nothing, but I like they're putting up something cool looking instead of the usual crap that's always there.
Durrrr, what a hot piece of info! I think I might have been the last to know and still knew that shit last week. Who exactly is this "breaking news" to?
yo all i got to say is this production is crazy sick. the way people look at our work every dam day like this, just goes to show how much we really demand and prove to the public we will be around for 40 more years and we will never stop.....
damn, that is some nice grafitti