More Kooky American Apparel Ads
Always pushing limits and questioning normalcy, Dov Charney's American Apparel and its advertising campaigns continue to walk the edge with strange statements like "Women initiate most domestic violence, yet out of a thousand cases of domestic violence, maybe one is involving a man. And this has made a victim culture out of women. See another ad here.
Just curious...where did you guys find this ad? Seems that even Dov in all his controversy baiting wouldn't be this stupid....or would he? Is this a fake?
I think this is a fake. If you go to the American Apparel web site, the ad is their but no domestic violence quote. I may be wrong...
This is an obvious fake. If bloggers are to herald themselves as the 'new' press, then you should think more critically before posting something like this as 'real', or at least hold some degree of accountability. You've done the same before with those abercrombie ads. Don't be so naive.
friggin puritans ...
The ads by American Apparel are so close to kiddie porn its not even funny. Its a messeage plastered on buildings and in magazines telling men its okay to screw little girls. There goes the country.