'CSI' Writer Takes Work Home
Adrants reader Morris Adamowitz sent us this video which features a guy who claims to be a writer for CBS's CSI. In the video, he drones on about his writing inspirations, how he has to learn the latest techniques in forensic science, do meticulous research and sometimes, take the work home with him. In this case, literally, as he nonchalantly grabs a dead guy off a slab, carries him to his car and brings him into his house all while continuing to drone on about his work.
Whether this is an authorized viral or not, it really doesn't matter. It's good. It works.
UPDATE: It's all real. See comments.
FYI, it's a real promo for CBS that ran during the Tony Awards on June 8th.
actually i saw it last night (june 21) and thought to myself "that's pretty clever, i may just have to start watching CSI now that they've poked fun at themselves"
good stuff.
It's real - created by The Martin Agency in Richmond, VA. Martin has done other great work like the GECIO gekko, but they were also responsible for the Quizno's Spongmonkeys.
Directed by Rocky Morton of MJZ in Los Angeles.
This version seems out of sync, but is FAR superior to the one that is on the air. I wonder if this is the "Director's Cut."
Yours truly plays the writer...
Dan Klass is my hero!
The GEICO gekko stuff and their whacky infomercials SUCK ASS.