Television Weather Promotions Go Mary Poppins Mad
New Haven television station WTHN (channel 8) has become the whipping boy of television station weather promotions in this spoof that calls attention to the insanity of Doppler-focused newscasts as if they've actually done something to improve forecasts. In typical, "First, there was this, then there was that, now there's...," a very convincing television promo announcer exclaims "now the most biggest name in weather forecasting just got more bigger. Introducing news channel eight's Supercali Fragilistic Expiali Doppler." You'll love the final statement referring to Mother Nature. Watch it here.
The "tagline" doppler is the issue here because it is meaningless. Every weather person on the planet has a doppler rotating inside their personal poop-shoot. You can add a billion words before it�.except the huge problem still remains.
Idea�.get rid of the word Doppler forever. Try: Storm crusher, storm power predictor, eagle eye, hawk, mixed with any words except the meaningless Doppler.