Nasty Video Highlights Burger King


While we are highly doubtful Burger King or Crispin Porter + Bogusky officially had anything to do with this, the prominent display of Burger King in this white boy rapper video, called F'ing Yo Mom's in the Ass, is certainly worth noting. Burger King gets considerable screen time in this video which is just weird enough to get passed around virally as it already has having shown up on CollegeHumor. The Whois site registration info is not hidden leading one to perhaps believe the site is legit, then again, we're talking about CP+B here who would never register a site blindly - a telltale sign of marketer involvement.

Given the subject matter of the video and the rest of the CD's content, it would be very surprising if Burger King actually had any involvement with its creation. Then again, stranger things have happened and marketing isn't what it used to be. Perhaps it really is just a couple of dudes having fun. Perhaps not.

by Steve Hall    May-10-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Brands, Viral   

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It occured to me recently why they're called "Viral Ads." Because they make people (and brands) sick.

Posted by: David Burn on May 10, 2005 3:39 PM

Might be something to do with this.

Posted by: Mik on May 10, 2005 7:40 PM

Must be a slow news day.. this is hardly even interesting.

Posted by: nobody on May 10, 2005 7:53 PM

CrackedOut is a spinoff of the Upright Citizen's Brigade comedy troupe. It's basically a re-accuring skit that turned into it's own entitiy. It's entirely fictional and in no way related to Burger King.

It is very funny though. Listen to the rest of the MP3's, it gets worse.


Posted by: jfchandler on May 12, 2005 9:14 AM