BMW Launches Racy Motorcycle Mini-Movie Ad

BMW's Respect Film

Just as it did several years ago to promote a new car, BMW has created a film to promote its new K1200 R motorcycle. To say the film pushes the envelope for a marketer is a monstrous understatement. The film, complete with naked show girls, violence and S & M style sex, is sure to stir discussion. However, BMW is heading in the right direction here. It's something very different and something very right. Standard advertising is, increasingly, useless in it's effectiveness, and, if it isn't being ignored by people who have become agnostic about current advertising styles, it's being skipped over with VOD. BMW knows this and is creating something that is far more likely to be viewed.

The film is interesting in that artsy way. While it might be considered by some as envelope-pushing, for more and more people, namely the target audience for this bike, it's really just interesting content. Advertising is boring. This film is not. BMW, again, has found the channel thorough which to communicate its marketing message in an entertaining way.

The film can be viewed here.

by Steve Hall    May- 5-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Viral   

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That sounds like a slippery slope..."Standard advertising is, increasingly, useless in it's effectiveness..." so in a couple of years, after the public is desensitized to BMW style ads, what's next?

Posted by: Mark on May 5, 2005 5:00 PM

Having worked on the BMW motorcycle business for a few years, I can tell you this is exactly NOT what this brand needs. This new bike was supposed to be a tipping point for the brand, and it hardly plays any role at all.

Another brand that has a higher brand awareness quotent (especially in the states where BMW is outspent by all of its major competitors) could afford this, but not BMW. This is another great example of the German holding company not giving a shit about the US market.

Posted by: M Caplan on May 5, 2005 8:13 PM

Fuzzy bunny vs fuzzy navel.
I'm with Mark here. Sex sells and all but what is it saying about your Brand? "We're cool with being associated with and tacitly promoting questionable character because our rig needs to get noticed!" Cultural relativism doesn't have to go the way of shock and impurity. "HATE SOMETHING"...

Posted by: mattyc on May 6, 2005 12:44 PM

Motorcyclists reputations were never sterling but were improving, thanks to most of the OEMs. Over 50 years ago we suffered being called sociopaths thanks to Marlin Brando in The Wild One, followed about 20 years alter with Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda in Easy Riders. Both film have attained cult status.

We have been fighting and having some success in changing our image. Now, thanks to BMW, we are going to have to start the fight all over again. I�m sure the AMA (American Motorcyclist Association) and the MIC (Motorcycle Industry Council) will condemn this blatantly over-the-top raunchy video.

BMW�s sales are slipping and more people in this country are ignoring them. If this is their answer rather than their previous offerings touting engineering, quality and performance I think they�ve made a big mistake. I�ve been consulting in the powersports industry for more than 30 years. During that time I�ve seen the industry mature and grow. As more people see this video I expect the entire industry will find itself back where it was 50 years ago. What a shame!

Posted by: John Wyckoff on May 7, 2005 2:37 PM

Does anyone know the song that's playing in the strip club?

Posted by: rawhide66 on May 9, 2005 4:12 PM

Apparently the site is shut down - can somebody send me the clip or does anyone know another URL for this?

Posted by: Oliver Rosenthal on May 12, 2005 11:53 AM