Bicycle Ads The New Human Space Medium


Bike advertising seems to have, suddenly, become as popular as human space advertising. Similar to Bike Ads, Promotion N Motion uses bikes but the three wheeled, backwards tricycle style bikes. Mounted on the bike, above the driver, are large billboard-like banners on which advertisers can place their messaging. Currently Promotion N Motion serves the San Francisco area. Priced at $35 per hour, per bike weekdays and $50 per hour, per bike on weekends, it's quite an economical means to deliver, in a novel manner, a local message.

by Steve Hall    May- 1-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Outdoor   

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I'm local to them. I'd like to check this out up close and personal.
I sent them and email to see about being a rider. What the heck - I hike for 3 - 4 hours on the weekend anyway. Riding for 5 hours and making a little change would be cool.

Posted by: poly on May 11, 2005 12:59 PM

We have similar advertising bikes in Australia, check us out at

Posted by: Lenny Manor on July 6, 2009 7:31 PM

Bicycle!!! Bicycle!!! Bicycle!!! Bicycle!!!

United State Bicycle Cycles Fantastic design for new but goodies cycles, bicycles and bikes from the old days. Vintage nostalgic advertisement posters of old time cycle advertisements and broadsides promoting different makes and models of bicycles from United States and Europe. Our collectible series of bicycle posters are great for fans of bicycling. Cycling for exercise and pleasure has always been popular, but currently biking to work and school have gained added popularity in the USA. Portland Oregon is known as the cycling capital of the United States with thousands of active cyclist biking to their jobs daily, biking for shopping and pleasure. You may contact me back on this Email: [email protected] for your shopping if you are intrested to place an order in my store and for the shipping. my company we ship it to your shipping address and for the payment details we only accept Western Union

Posted by: samuel mike on February 18, 2010 8:19 PM