IKEA Keeps Children's Toys Dildo-Free
There's many classically embarrassing moments in life but we're sure the one where your kid finds your dildo is right up there on the list. IKEA uses
this little shocker to suggest their furniture and its storage features might help in keeping little Johnnie's toys separate from Mommy's vibrating toys. The ad is said to have run in movie theaters in France as well as in Germany. Leave it to those Europeans to, once again, point out America's uptight culture.
Hate to admit it, but I can relate. We've all heard the marketing term "play to their emotions", right? Well this one plays to their *embarrassment*.
However you really need to see the commercial to appreciate it. I could not play the one on hedonistica.com so had to go out and find it somewhere else. Here it is in case anyone else can't get the one linked above to play.
Actually, that commercial did air a while ago here in the US. It may not have aired as an actual commercial but was seen on US tv during one of those commercial showcase shows that networks like to air every once in a while.
Wow, I was sure a US airing would have sent Moral Majority in to a geometric feeding frenzy of righteousness!
I actually think it is very clever and funny. The fact that the dildo looks like a rocket ship and that giggle in the end when the kid turns it on is nothing short of precious.