Campaign Launched to Save Big Breasts

As only the Sun can do, the paper has launched a campaign (link NSFW) to save, as they call them, "two of Britain's most outstanding monuments - Jordan's (Katie Price) boobs." The famous model has decided her 32FF breasts are simply too big and she has announced she will have her implants removed. The Sun has enlisted the help of the country's National Trust but a spokesman for the organization declined, citing the non-natural qualities of Jordan's monuments, "Our remit is to preserve places of outstanding natural beauty – so we will have to pass on this." Undeterred, the paper is looking to its readers enlisting support via an email campaign intended to convince Jordan of the country's love and admiration of her assets.

by Steve Hall    Apr-14-05   Click to Comment   
Topic: Campaigns   

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I consider that the beauty at a woman it is at first the chest.i thus finds magnificent for a woman to have very big breast .i want to get married and I would want that my wife get very big breasts .please send me many informations and images about big breast and albino women

Posted by: mark on July 17, 2006 9:14 AM

je voudrais savoir comment augmenter fortement les seins sans chirurgie;si vous avez un site consacr� � cela vueillez m'y abonner

Posted by: jeremie on September 18, 2006 4:09 AM

You can enlarge your breasts by following a special diet. You need to incorporate a lot of fenugreeck seeds and leaves in your daily die and you will see the progress in few weeks

Posted by: BREAST ENLARGEMENT on April 21, 2007 4:06 AM

I think it�s a very personal decision, If she want to remuve her breast implants... ok.

Posted by: Breast Implants on June 5, 2007 12:23 PM