Viral & Buzz Marketing Association Launches
The launch of the Viral & Buzz Marketing Association (VBMA), an international group for the development, validation and promotion of consumer-oriented marketing trends and techniques, was announced today, with UK- and Australian-based online viral and buzz marketing expert Digital Media Communications (DMC) as one of its founding members.
Justin Kirby, managing director of DMC, explains "Viral and buzz marketing is not new, but the use of these consumer-to-consumer techniques is becoming more prevalent, particularly as the falling effectiveness of traditional, marketer-to-consumer techniques is making advertisers look seriously at other ways to build brand and shift product. We have been talking with likeminded practitioners in the UK, US, France, Germany and other countries for some time now about our growing industry and the need for a formal association to help viral and buzz marketing establish a credible footing within the wider marketing community."
The VBMA aims to create international collaborations, swap case studies, develop best practice and dispel the myths surrounding viral and buzz marketing in order to help it become more widely accepted as a key part of brands� overall marketing activities.