Trojan Condoms Launches 'Orgasm' Campaign

Trojan has launched a U.K website which, unless you are at home, you might consider turning down the volume down before visiting. The site is full of people, mostly women, at that certain point of pleasure where it can get quite audible. The site features a game called "Orgasm or Muscle Spasm" where you must choose the real deal of the fake. There's also a section called "The Sexual Organ" in which you can set to music, various orgasmic outbursts.

Along with the site is a country-wide 3,600 poster campaign showing a woman in "the height of sexual pleasure".

You can visit the site from work without risk. Just don't roll your mouse over anything until you have turned your volume down. Unless, of course, you want to get your co-workers wondering what you are doing in your office.

by Steve Hall    Mar-25-04   Click to Comment   

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