'Headvertising' Delivers Proven Results

In the vein of forehead advertising, 'headvertising' has proven a success. An ongoing campaign for web hosting firm C Host, who paid 22-year-old Jim Nelson to wear the company's logo on the back of his shaved head for five years, has garnered 500 new customers for the firm within the first six months of the campaign.

Nelson is also under contract to travel, hand out flyers and business cards as well as deliver a ten second sales pitch. C Host contracted with Nelson after achieving highest bidder status on an eBay auction Nelson placed.

"Headvertising" is another in a long line of new marketing tactics smart marketers are experimenting with in the face of declining magazine, newspaper and television readership/viewership.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 1-04   Click to Comment   

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Headvertising � What Works Best
Adica suntem o agentie care isi face din eficienta principalul obiectiv si politica de companie. Asta nu inseamna ca suntem niste �suits� stupizi care masuram cat de repede pleaca cutiile clientilor nostri de pe rafturile magazinelor. Insa inseamna ca ne preocupa, poate intr-o masura mult mai mare decat pe alte agentii, calitatea, relevanta si rezultatele comunicarii pe care o cream.

Posted by: Santos Pancha - fire safety for kids on December 13, 2006 8:52 AM