Bush-Hitler Ads Outrages Republicans
As part of MoveOn.org's contest to create an ad about Bush, two of the entries has caused the Republican party and Jewish groups to complain.
The first commercial shows pictures of Hitler making a speech, with written subtitles like "I believe I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator".The final sentence under the genocidal leader is "God told me to strike at al-Qaeda and I struck them", before Bush's picture replaces it above the words "and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did".
The second commercial wraps up images of Nazi forces with Hitler giving the Nazi salute while a crowd bellows "Sig Heil" - and then Bush's picture replaces Hitler's.
As much as MoveOn.org wants these ads to be negative of Bush, MoveOn President Wes Boyd agreed that ads went too far saying, "We agree that the two ads in question were in poor taste and deeply regret that they slipped through our screening process. In the future, if we publish or broadcast raw material, we will create a more effective filtering system."
There's no surprise this happened. Anytime the creative process is opened up without an actual client to keep the creator in check, the result will always slant to the extreme.