Playboy's Makeover is a Joke

Jeff Bercoviki of MediaLife reviews the August isses of Playboy, one of the first under the helm of new editor, James Kaminsky. He doesn't like it much:

"For the past couple decades, it has been like the middle-aged swinger at the party, sure that his leisure suit and mustache are the ticket to picking up chicks, unaware that he has become something of a joke.

Now imagine if someone were to take that middle-aged guy, slap a backwards baseball cap on his comb-over and swap his polyester trousers for baggy Levi�s.

That pretty well summarizes what James Kaminsky, Playboy�s new editorial director, has done since taking over last fall."

Ouch! I think I'll stick with Maxim.

by Steve Hall    Jul-16-03   Click to Comment   

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