Like Cats? Now There's A TV Show Just For You

The Meox Mix Company along with Lime Public Relations is producing a television show called "Meow TV". The program will run on the Oxygen network and will, of course, be full of Meow Nix commercials.

I suppose this falls into the advertainment category since, in reality, the whole show is a Meow Mix commercial that just happens to have some sort of entertainment value because it stars a cat and a comedian.

Here's some lofty brand-speak from Richard Thompson, chief executive of something over at MeowMix. "As the largest brand of dry cat food in America, Meow Mix's mission is keeping cats, and their owners, happy," he said. "Everything is developed from within the brand, what the brand stands for."

Right. Thanks to Reverse Cowgirl. [via New York Times]

by Steve Hall    May-21-03   Click to Comment   

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