Ozzy Osbourne Commercial May Cause Pepsi Boycott

Russel Simmons, founder of The Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, is calling for a boycott of Pepsi.

Simmons says that he wants to start a boycott because Pepsi has allowed the Ozzy Osbourne spot to run when it pulled a spot that featured rapper Ludicrous. Pepsi pulled the Ludicrous spot because of Ludicrous' X-rated song lyrics but has let the Ozzy spot run when Ozzy's MTV show is replete with all sorts of potty mouthed language.

"The boycott is being called in response to Pepsi dropping Ludacris as spokesman and subsequently picking up the Osbournes, who are no less vulgar," a spokeswoman for Simmons and HSAN said in a statement.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 5-03   Click to Comment   

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