The Camel Cadaver

In a previous post, I referred to an anti-smoking campaign that was done as a partnership between Crispin Porter & Bogusky (creators of the Truth campaign) and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). As part of the campaign, stickers were handed out spoofing cigarette packaging to schoolchildren as young as 6 years old.

Tony from TonyPierce fame pointed out that the possible genisis for one of these stickers, Camel Cigarettes, came from the Wacky Packages originally created by Topps Chewing Gum Company. Starting in 1967 they produced "Die Cuts" which were perforated with glue on the back. Then in 1969 Topps produced "Wacky Ads" which were a little larger but still had to be punched from the card and the glue moistened. In 1973 Topps switched to a sticker back and thats when things went crazy or "wacky" and became an obsession to many kids.

So, there you go. There really are no more original ideas in advertising :-)


by Steve Hall    Oct- 1-02   Click to Comment   

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I noticed in the Wednesday Dec. 12/07 edition of the Victoria Canada based newspaper, "The Times Colonist" That PETA co-sponsored giving dozens of donated fur coats to needy people??????
I am confused by this action. Is PETA now a supported of wearing fur or do needy/homeless people just not count as members of society in their eyes? Perhaps PETA sees homeless people as nothing more then animals?
Terri James.

Posted by: Terri on December 12, 2007 12:15 PM

I noticed in the Wednesday Dec. 12/07 edition of the Victoria Canada based newspaper, "The Times Colonist" That PETA co-sponsored giving dozens of donated fur coats to needy people??????
I am confused by this action. Is PETA now a supported of wearing fur or do needy/homeless people just not count as members of society in their eyes? Perhaps PETA sees homeless people as nothing more then animals?
Terri James.

Posted by: Terri on December 12, 2007 12:15 PM

I noticed in the Wednesday Dec. 12/07 edition of the Victoria Canada based newspaper, "The Times Colonist" That PETA co-sponsored giving dozens of donated fur coats to needy people??????
I am confused by this action. Is PETA now a supported of wearing fur or do needy/homeless people just not count as members of society in their eyes? Perhaps PETA sees homeless people as nothing more then animals?
Terri James.

Posted by: Terri on December 12, 2007 12:16 PM