As consumers become more aware of environmental concerns like worsening climate change, sustainability has become a pivotal element in modern marketing strategies. This shift encompasses everything from green-friendly packaging to ethical advertising.
Long-term business success can depend on socially and environmentally responsible practices. To help break down the topic, we'll focus on three core facets of sustainability in modern marketing below: consumer priorities, how companies can track sustainability efforts, and ethical considerations in campaigns.
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New York-based humanitarian aid organization AFYA Foundation has teamed with Strawberry Frog to create a video campaign which aims to raise awareness of the need for medical supplies to combat the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone.
The video, directed by Indrani, puts a human face on the statistic that five children came into contact with the Ebola virus in Texas.
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Kyiv-based ad agency Banda and Radioaktive Film are out with a video which aims to garner support for the Ukranian Armed Forces who have had to leave their families, their friends and their jobs to combat Russians in Eastern Ukraine.
The video, which has close to half million views, was created without any government funds on an entirely volunteer basis. It was helmed by New York director Marc Wilkins.
The video shows soldiers doing their jobs as they share what they do in "real life." It carries the tagline, "None of us was born for war, but we are here to protect our freedom."
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Brilliantly taking advantage of the First World Problem of waiting in line to get the new iPhone, this video for the National Coalition of the Homeless both pokes fun and sends a strong message about sleeping on the streets.
Some people waiting for the new iPhone have slept on the streets for days. They will all go home September 19th. But 600,000 homeless American's will not.
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Breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel, which has previously urged college students to touch each other's breasts and presented us with the Topless Female Trampolining World Championships, is, again, placing breasts front and center in its efforts to call attention to breast cancer.
The charity has launched a new billboard and print campaign which consists of naked images of woman's breasts adorned with the one word each woman in the photograph uses to describe her breasts. From sensitive, to doughy to squidgy to firm, the effort aims to get women (and everyone else) comfortable with examining breasts for lumps and discussing breast cancer in general.
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The climax of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has come and gone, but there are still plenty of people dumping freezing cold buckets of water on their heads to raise awareness about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig 's Disease).
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge not only raised awareness about ALS, but it also helped many brands step into the spotlight and market themselves while supporting a great cause. And the best part: the Ice Bucket Challenge raised more than $94.3 million to fund future ALS research.
But there have been tons of awareness campaigns for diseases and disabilities in the past. What made the Ice Bucket Challenge so successful?
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Here's an interesting approach to festival promotion. Made Event, the promoters of electronic dance music concerts, including , Electric Zoo, has launched "Come To Life." The campaign encourages attendees to organically enjoy -- rather than with chemical enhancement -- the light show, the music and the energy of the crowds.
At the heart of the campaign is the message that concertgoers don't need to do drugs, particularly MDMA, (aka Molly or Ecstasy) to enjoy the festival.
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So Greenpeace is out with with an emotionally powerful ad that takes issues with a deal Shell and Lego signed to sell the toy maker's products at gas stations in 26 countries. The ad centers on Shell's Arctic drilling and focuses on the harm an oil spill could have on the environment.
The deal, signed in 2012, is similar to the deal the two had from the 1960's up to the 1990's. The ad, entitled Everything is NOT Awesome, urges people to tell Lego to end its partnership with Shell.
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Latching onto the notion children do not respect boundaries or privacy when it comes to snooping around the house for fun items to play with, this gun safety ad from Evolve features two mothers talking to one another while their children run around the house and play.
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In a PSA for the Tender Education and Arts #StandUpWorldCup campaign, a woman watches as her World Cup team appears to be winning and then doesn't. The look of devastation on her face turns to outright fear which is explained by the statistic that follows.
We won't give away the ending but we guarantee you will find it powerful.
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