Every so often, we like to take a moment and thank the advertisers who help support Adrants. Two new advertisers have joined the roster: Buddy Media and Vertical Response. Buddy Media is a platform for Facebook and social media marketing. A set of management and measurement tools help brands and agencies make their Facebook pages more engaging for visitors. Check out their whitepaper, Top Ten Ways to Engage Fans on Facebook.
Vertical Response is an email service provider. If you have a mailing list or want to grow one, Vertical Response is a provider you should consider. With tools and ready-made templates, getting a mailing out is easy. We know. We’ve tried it. And we like it. Give them a look. They have a free trial offer running now.
In addition to Buddy Media and Vertical Response, the Montana Film Office is running a campaign with us. If you’re looking for a location that outside the usual New York and LA locales, check out what Montana has to offer. Hey, it’s pretty much a guarantee you won’t have to deal with a lot of background noise like sirens, honking cabs and…oh…gun shots. Check it out.