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LinkedIn Bests Facebook in Infographic Grudge Match


Playboy's The Smoking Jacket took a long look at Facebook and Linked in, pitted them against each other in an infographic grudge match and determined LinkedIn would come out on top. As it turns out, it's a battle between the tween/teen set and corporate stiffs. Unsexy as it may be, the corporate stiffs still have the upper hand.

See the full-on battle here.

by Steve Hall    Nov-16-10    
Topic: Social

Polish Politician Pimps Political Prowess in Bikini


Hey, if you're hot, why not use that hotness to get you elected to political office? Shoving aside the notion people might not take her seriously, Polish pop singer Sara May, also known as Katarzyna Szczolek, posed in her bikini for a series of ads.

She hopes the ads garner her the attention she needs to get elected for local office. In one ad, she appears laying on a beach wearing a bikini along with the copy, "Beautiful. Independent. Competent." Another, obviously going after animal lovers, shows her holding a puppy with the copy, "Honest. Sincere. Uncompromising."

We suggest an additional concept. Picture May, shot from behind, her ass clad in a thong as she peers back over her shoulder atop the copy, "Dedicated. Delicious. Open for Business."

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-10    
Topic: Political, Racy, Strange

Infographic Compares Mad Men Era to Today


An infographic from shopping transaction and activity research company Buysight takes a look at the differences between today's advertising culture and the one glorified on AMC's Mad Men. In a post on the Buysight blog about the infographic, the author writes, "Marketers are content creators and publishers are increasingly like agencies. Audiences, too, play an active role now, from debunking false claims to spreading the word about great brands.

Several industry experts comment on the post with Personal Life Media CEO Susan Bratton writing, "Biggest trend: The marketer as content publisher. . . Curating and creating content for search optimization and social media are now crucial components of an online marketing platform. No longer can we buy ads in someone else's content, we must be the content creators to have a voice in the digital domain, which frankly, for most brands, is where the war is won in the 21st century."

What do you think the biggest changes have been since Don Draper walked the halways of Madison Avenue?

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-10    
Topic: Trends and Culture

Beckinsale, Deschanel, Larter Drop, Twist and Bleed For Absolut


Continuing its Drinks campaign for Absolut, TBWZ\Chiat\Day New York is out with a bus shelter installation campaign crafted by photographers Ellen Von Unwerth and Amanda De Cadenet which features Kate Beckinsale, Zooey Deschanel & Ali Larter. The campaign touts Absolut's Lemon Drop, Twist and Bloody drinks.

If you have to wait for the bus, you might as well have a nice looking place to sit. The campaign offers that to commuters in Chicago. See the other two ads here and here.

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Outdoor

Victoria Justice Joins Photoshop Disasters For Got Milk Campaign


If you've never heard of Photoshop Disasters its a blog dedicated to hunting down and shaming poorly Photoshopped photography in ad campaigns. In creating a recent Got Milk ad which features actor and singer Victoria Justice it seems the creative behind this campaign couldn't decided which version of Justice's boot laces to use.

In the ad, Justice stands in front of a three-sided mirror. In the three views, one can clearly see three different styles of boot laces. But, hey, people are bound to make mistakes when what you see in ads aren't really what was standing in front of the camera during the photoshoot. Thankfully, there's enough errors in this business to support an entire website.

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-10    
Topic: Bad, Celebrity

Law School Shocked Over Racy Diesel Ad Shoot


When they gave Diesel permission to use their library last March for a ten hour ad campaign shoot, did the Brooklyn Law School really think the outcome wouldn't be racy? Apparently not because the school now regrets allowing the brand to use their facilities.

In an email to students and staff, the school's Dean wrote, 'We are as shocked and mortified as you must be by these photographs. When the school gave its permission to do the shoot, the school was assured that the photos would be in good taste. They are not.'

A spokesperson told Above the Law, "Television and movie producers frequently ask for permission to use our beautiful facilities as a backdrop and we try to oblige when we can. When we gave Diesel jeans permission to do a photo shoot, we understood that jeans, and not what is worn under them, would be the subject of the shoot. We would not want to create the impression that the featured attire was approved by us."

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by Steve Hall    Nov-15-10    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Racy

Women Imprisoned for Wearing Dangerously Sexy Lingerie


Here's a really, really...REALLY bad lingerie ad but since out charter requires us to cover any and all use of sex to sell, we are obligated to share this drivel with you. You can just hear the thought process of the concepting session for this ad: "Dude, let's riff off the women in prison thing. It will be so hot!"

more »

by Steve Hall    Nov-15-10    
Topic: Commercials, Racy, Worst

Top Ten Stories Cover Boobs, Guns, Verizon, Ass, Facebook


So last week's most read stories here on Adrants offered up women with huge boobs in tiny bikinis holding guns, lingerie as a form of discipline, Verizon trying to get hip with Apple, yet another Old Spice spoof, Miranda Kerr tantalizing us with a seductive invitation into her bedroom, a time traveling phone, Japanese tourism boosted with branded bra and miniskirt and Facebook's apparent ineffectiveness business website traffic generation.

1. Girls With Boobs...Uh...Guns Pose For Charity
2. Lingerie Brand Teaches Men A Lesson
3. Verizon Teams With iPad to Hype Upcoming Apple Relationship
4. The Sun Spoofs Old Spice to Pimp Page 3 Girls
5. Miranda Kerr Wants You to Get Into Bed With Her
6. Lingerie Shot, Asses Tightened, Underwood Glamed
7. Charlie Chaplin Time Traveler Device Perfect For Branded Apps
8. Triumph Bra and Miniskirt Welcome Visitors to Japan
9. Without Proper Eyesight, Grave Errors Will be Made
10. Study Trashes Effectiveness of Facebook, Twitter

by Steve Hall    Nov-14-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Opinion, Racy

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