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Twitter Launches In-Stream Advertising


Beginning today, Twitter will begin placing ads in users' timelines according to Advertising Age. This is different than the already launched Promoted Tweet which resides in a "sticky" position at the top of people's streams. The new ads will scroll down people's timelines just like a regular tweet.

The product is first launching to 900,000 users of the HootSuite Twitter client before it rolls out to all clients and twitter.com. twitter will share ad revenue with HootSuite. Ads will be targeted based on the content of a person's timeline and the brands they follow.

Virgin, Starbucks and Red Bull will be among the product's newest advertisers.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 1-10    
Topic: Social

Stumbled Upon: Ashley Leggat Pepsi Commercial


Did you know Ashley Leggat did a Pepsi commercial? Do you even know who Ashley Leggat is? Well you would if you had watched Life After Derek or the Lindsay Lohan movie Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen.

Anyway, we stumbled across a message board post about a commercial she had done for Pepsi a while ago and we thought we'd share.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 1-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Racy

Bundaberg Rum Apologies For Not Killing Crocodile


If you recall a week or so ago Bundaberg Run ran a commercial in which a crocodile was blown up at the conclusion of the spot. For some inexplicable reason, apparently a few people thought the commercial was a bit more than just a stunt and thought the crocodile actually was blown up.

While we weren't aware of any outcry over the spot, the brand saw fit to send us an apology video clarifying the crocodile was not killed. At least during the filming of the commercial.

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by Steve Hall    Nov- 1-10    
Topic: Commercials

Scarlett Flaunts, Winberg Taunts, Fashion Brand Haunts


- Scarlett Johannson gets all sexy for Mango's Winter 2011 ad campaign.

- Three months prior to the broadcast, Fox has sold out all of its Super Bowl commercial inventory. It's the earliest sellout in recent memory.

- Caroline Winberg is looking very hot in the new Blanco Lingerie Fall 2010 ad campaign.

- Yawn. T-Mobile does flash mob. Oh, but there's a difference!

- Tia Maria has unveiled a new global advertising campaign called "Get Behind the Mask", which breaks November 1.

- Dutch fashion brand Suit Supply gets racy with their Winter campaign titled "Shameless."

- Michael Kors debuts Fall Winter fashion campaign.

- Adam Ben Ezra has done an all-bass version of AMC's Mad Men opening credits song.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 1-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Guerilla, Racy

Golden Palace Still Branding Women's Boobs


As you may recall, five or so years ago, there was a trendlet that involved people selling their body parts to brands. Foreheads were tattooed. Pregnant bellies were auctioned off. Cleavage was branded. Online casino Golden Palace was the biggest brand to take advantage of this trendlet placing their name on streakers, boobs, and any body part they could find on eBay.

Golden Palace is at it again with Tana Gabrielle who is lending her cleavage to Golden Palace as part of a promotion in which the online casino bid and bought for $51,000 the helmet of NASCAR driver Robbie Gordon who threw the helmet at another driver after a crash.

Gordon is donating the proceeds to Harrah's Employee Relief Fund which assists families and eployees affected by Hurricane Katrina. Babrielle, with Golden Palace tattooed to her chest, will accept the helmet for the cause.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 1-10    
Topic: Human, Racy

Get A Woman to Go at Your Local Mall


It's not the first time we've seen woman placed on sale to call attention to a cause. PETA has done it and so have others. To call attention to human trafficking, Israeli agency Shalmor Avnon Amichay created a mall installation for The Task Force of Human Trafficking with actual human women sitting inside. Each woman was accompanied by a tag which listed her name, weight, height and measurements.

With near 2 million people involved, mostly women and girls, human trafficking is the second biggest organized crime in the world.

by Steve Hall    Oct-31-10    
Topic: Guerilla

Two Go Daddy Girls to Titillate During Super Bowl


Ever since busty Candice Michelle's tank top almost fell off in front of a "broadcast censorship committee" in a Super Bowl commercial several years ago, domain name registrar Go Daddy has milked it for all it's worth. With Go Daddy Girl after Go Daddy Girl, the brand has strictly adhered to the salaciousness sells approach to advertising.

From Vanessa Rousso to Ella Koon to Erin Kalin to Danica Patrick, to newcomer Jillian Michaels, Go Daddy isn't shy about serving up sex despite it being derided year after year for its crass approach to advertising.

Go Daddy CEO calls his approach to advertising GoDaddy-esque which he labels as "edgy, fun and slightly inappropriate."

In this year's Super Bowl broadcast, the company's 7th consecutive year, Go Daddy will air three commercials; two during the game and one in pre-game. Each of the commercials, produced in-house by Go Daddy productions, will feature both Danica Patrick and newcomer Jillian Michaels from Biggest Loser.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-31-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Opinion, Racy, Super Bowl 2011

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