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Tehmeena Afzal Lends Her Giants to the New York Giants


Queens-born Tehmeena Afzal loves the New York Giants. Really, really loves them. And she's showing her love in a new video that can only be described as one of the sexiest football-related videos you will ever see. And while all her R-rated parts are covered, you'd best view this video away from the prying eyes of your boss. Or anyone for that matter. If only to prevent yourself the embarrassment of being caught "visibly affected" by this video.

With her immense - though oddly immovable - underboob, Afzal goes through all the right moves to get you excited about football...and other sports. But, as we mentioned above...not the kind of sport you want to play in the office.

View safely.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-25-10    
Topic: Racy

Producer of Lemonade: The Movie Seeks Producers For New Film


Here's an interesting way to fund a film. Remember Lemonade: The Movie? It was about how a group of people dealt with life after layoff. How they pulled up their proverbial bootstraps and got their shit together. Created and directed by Erik Proulx, the film turned out to be a popular documentary success.

Now Erik has taken his directorial skills to Detroit where he is filming a documentary on that city and how several people have risen from the wrath and devastation that city has endured. To fund the film, he's selling every frame of the film. One dollar buys a frame. $24 buys one second. And $1,440 buys a minute. In the 90 minute feature, there will be 129,600 frames. Upwards of 7,000 have sold to date. Everyone who buys a frame or more will be listed in the credits. And Erik tells us this will land buyers in IMDB's database as official producers of the film.

If you can, support the work. If you've seen Lemonade: The Movie, you know the work will be stellar and the cause worthy. Details are here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-25-10    
Topic: Social

Sears Creates Zombie Department For Halloween


Check out Sears. Yea, that stodgy old department store your grandparents shopped at. Well, they must be doing something right because they're still in business and that's saying a lot what with the closure of so many other department stores and the rise of intense competition from Walmart, BJs, Coscto and the like.

Yes, Sears is still alive and kicking. Well sort of. They've gone a bit undead with a new zombie-themed Halloween promotion. Now there's nothing new or special about the shole zombie thing but for an institution like Sears to latch on is quite impressive.

The online site includes a Zombie Gift Guide, undead experts called the Blue Zombie Crew, a zombie friend maker, My Dead TV and an undead Twitter feed. You can even view the site in Zombian...whatever that is.

Sears. Not your grandparents department store anymore.

by Steve Hall    Oct-25-10    
Topic: Brands

Unlucky Animals Used to Promote Art School


Pity the poor rabbit who's at the bottom of the food chain and whose foot is apparently only lucky to others. Feel the pain of a horse as it's put to work, raced or slaughtered for consumption by dogs and cats. Rage against genetic manipulation a turkey endures for your Thanksgiving dinner enjoyment because his wishbone sure doesn't work for him.

No, this isn't a PETA campaign. It's a campaign from KNARF for the School of Visual Arts that urges potential students not to rely on luck for a successful career but, rather, to take matters into their own hands and create their own future.

It's not so much a metaphorical stretch as it is, for better or worse, the acknowledgment we, as humans, have much more choice and control over our destiny than do animals. See two additional versions of the ad here and here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-25-10    
Topic: Campaigns

New Jetta Digitally Unveiled on Winding Mountain Road


So that sticker that's affixed to every new car on the dealer's lot? You know, the one that lists the price along with a lot of silly "accessories" like...oh...an armrest and other things that should be standard and aren't worth listing? It's front and center and...well...everywhere in a new Volkswagen Jetta commercial (or below) from Red Urban and 1stAvemachine.

That's one interpretation of the commercial. Another, and the one the brand and agency would prefer to be understood, is that the paper represents the detailed design work which went into creating the new vehicle...right along with the design of a new, lower price.

Either way, that's a lot of paper to be flying off a vehicle while making a trip over Winding Mountain Road. But there's no reason for anti-litter cause groups to get their panties in a bunch or for The Indian to cry. Nope. This baby is all digital and the paper miraculously disappears once it falls off the vehicle.

As Winding Mountain Road commercials go, this one isn't bad.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-25-10    
Topic: Commercials

Absolut Crushes Tropicana Las Vegas


A new building wrap has appeared on the Tropicana in Las Vegas. The wrap is part of Absolut's ongoing campaign from TBWA and promotes, among others, the Absolut Crush, a drink made with Absolut Mandrin. Shot by Ellen Von Unwerth, the ad features Kate Beckinsale.

And if you want to see what the new Tropicana looks like on the inside, check out this video of our recent stay.

by Steve Hall    Oct-25-10    
Topic: Outdoor

Top 12 Hottest Adrants Articles


We thought it was time to dive into Google Analytics to see what you readers have been chewing up over time. Here's a list of what you seem to enjoy most:

1. The Girls of ad:tech Celebrated
2. Bootylicious Ass Offers Last Minute, Pre-Holiday Office Fantasy
3. Hot Girls Spread Peanut Butter on Car. Yes, This is Advertising
4. Fiorana Launches Line of Latino-Cut Bootylicious Jeans
5. Sex Doesn't Sell But That Won't End It's Use in Advertising
6. Little Girl Spawns Dance Craze For Samsung
7. Keira Knightley Gets Bigger Boobs For Movie Promo
8. Booty-Baring Babes Give UPS Brand Love
9. Perrier Cools Hot Thong-Clad Ass
10. Advertisers: Wake Up and Smell the Sex
11. If You're a DD Cup, Victoria's Secret Will Make You a G Cup
12. Bulging Nubile Breasts Command Attention to Statutory Rape

Funny. Do you sense a particular fixation with anything in this industry?

by Steve Hall    Oct-24-10    
Topic: Racy

Parties Proliferate at ad:tech New York


Even though ad:tech is just two days this year, that hasn't slowed the party schedule at all. In addition to the Moss Networks VIP Mixx + Mingle, Epic will host its third annual ad:tech Bash.

The party will take place at Hudson Terrace Wednesday, November 3 beginning at 9PM. There will be an open bar from 9PM to midnight. RSVP information is here.

On Thursday, November 4 beginning at 8PM, MediaMind will host its 9th annual (formerly known as the Eyeblaster Awards) Rich Media Awards at Providence Nightclub located at 311 West 57th Street. Be on the lookout fro an appearance by the famed Nannenator. Don't worry. You'll know exactly who he is once the dancing starts. You can RSVP and cast a vote for your favorite ad here.

On Wednesday, November 3, industry group The Oldtimers Group will host their event beginning at 8PM. The event is traditionally invite only. Stay tuned for more additions as we get closer to the event.

A Google Calendar of all the parties is here.

by Steve Hall    Oct-24-10    
Topic: Industry Events

It's Not Thanksgiving Yet But Adrants Gives Thanks to Advertisers


Every so often, we like to take a moment and thank the advertisers who help support Adrants. Two new advertisers have joined the roster: Buddy Media and Vertical Response. Buddy Media is a platform for Facebook and social media marketing. A set of management and measurement tools help brands and agencies make their Facebook pages more engaging for visitors. Check out their whitepaper, Top Ten Ways to Engage Fans on Facebook.

Vertical Response is an email service provider. If you have a mailing list or want to grow one, Vertical Response is a provider you should consider. With tools and ready-made templates, getting a mailing out is easy. We know. We've tried it. And we like it. Give them a look. They have a free trial offer running now.

In addition to Buddy Media and Vertical Response, the Montana Film Office is running a campaign with us. If you're looking for a location that outside the usual New York and LA locales, check out what Montana has to offer. Hey, it's pretty much a guarantee you won't have to deal with a lot of background noise like sirens, honking cabs and...oh...gun shots. Check it out.

by Steve Hall    Oct-24-10    
Topic: Announcements

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