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Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone Does Stoli Ad


In a commercial only geeks can truly appreciate, Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone appears Stolicnaya's "Would You Have A Drink With You" campaign. The one that has celebrities (actual ones) talking to themselves. Apparently, Evan Williams was busy coding his next invention. Aside from the fact dubbing Stone a celebrity, the ad is bound to connect with the digerati and, yes, get the tweet shitted out of it. Or is it the shit tweeted out of it?

But who really cares because as Biz asks himself in the ad, "Did it ever occur to you that Twitter is an endless stream of meaningless babble?" Yes, Biz, it did occur to us. Every day. With every tweet we see.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-19-10    
Topic: Commercials

Pepsi Takes Over AOL


No, Pepsi didn't buy AOL. They just purchased a page takeover unit that's got the Coke delivery guy doing a Tom Cruise/Mission Impossible stealth stunt to check out Pepsi Max. Apparently, he doesn't realize millions of people have access to AOL.com on a daily basis. So much for stealth.

by Steve Hall    Oct-19-10    
Topic: Online

Axe Taunts Old Spice For Horse Fixation


We are a jealous bunch. We just can''t stand it when we see another succeed. So what do we do when someone steals out limelight? We make fun of them, of course. And that's exactly what Axe is doing to Old Spice right now with a new billboard campaign in Canada.

With the headline, "For men who'd rather be with a woman than on a horse," the campaign actually makes a but of sense. Because unless you're into bestiality, we think a woman is much more desirable than a horse.

by Steve Hall    Oct-19-10    
Topic: Outdoor

Nine Tips For Selecting a Social Media Agency


During the recent Blogworld Expo in Las Vegas, SocialFresh Founder Jason Keath led a panel entitled How to Hire A Social Media Company. On the panel were Edelman's David Armano, Ignite Social Media's Jim Tobin and Digital Dads' C.C. Chapman. Out of the panel, emerged tips for brands (and even agencies) looking for social media expertise.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-18-10    
Topic: Industry Events, Social

Ten Tips For Crisis Management in Social Media


At a panel held during the recent Blogworld Expo in Las Vegas, ten tips for crisis management in social media emerged. Led by Powered Director of Strategy Valeria Maltoni, the three panelists, Proff Integrated Communications Managing DIrector Dallas Lawrence, Holtz Communication + Technology Founder Shel Holtz and Ford's head of social media Scott Monty shared their views on crisis management in social media.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-18-10    
Topic: Industry Events, Social

Seven Traits of Successful Social Media Campaigns


During a recent BlogWorld Expo panel led by AdFreak's David Griner called Like it or Spike it, several traits emerged for successful social media campaigns:

1. Be authentic. In this medium, platitudes don't work.

2. Make it brainlessly easy for people to participate. Don't make people jump through too many hoops.

3. Make sure there is a clear and concise call to action. Too many brands are unclear in their explanation of how people should participate.

4. Avoid blatant self promotion within the campaign.

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by Steve Hall    Oct-18-10    
Topic: Industry Events, Social

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