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Sperm On A Mission Gets Confused


Usually sperm are on a single minded mission and not much can be done to stop them from accomplishing that mission. One lone sperm in this viral, the first to make rounds on the new ViralBomb email list, approaches the point of return and does experience second thoughts. You'll chuckle at what's being promoted.

by Steve Hall    Jun-16-05    
Topic: Viral

Viral Advertising Announcement List Launched

Dabitch from the weblog Adland has launched a mailing list where "creators worldwide announce their release of a new campaign (since the web is worldwide), where viral colleagues in the business, ad bloggers, rubbernecked viral addicts, trade press journalists and other web heads are on the list and can stay hip to the latest." If you're interested, sign up here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-16-05    
Topic: Viral

Vienna Ads Go Under Cover


AdFreak reports on a pair or artists who convinced area merchants in Vienna and its Chamber of Commerce to go along with an ad cover up scheme in which all signage and ads on a popular shopping street were covered for a two week period. In the end, the Chamber of Commerce paid advertisers $245,000 for the privilege of covering their ads.

by Steve Hall    Jun-16-05    
Topic: Outdoor

More Kooky American Apparel Ads


Always pushing limits and questioning normalcy, Dov Charney's American Apparel and its advertising campaigns continue to walk the edge with strange statements like "Women initiate most domestic violence, yet out of a thousand cases of domestic violence, maybe one is involving a man. And this has made a victim culture out of women. See another ad here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-16-05    
Topic: Campaigns

Marketers Want More Metrics From Print

Print advertising was on the witness stand today at the annual Association of National Advertisers (ANA) Print Advertising Forum, held at the Grand Hyatt in New York.

The keynote address presented by Mark Kaline, Global Media Manager, Ford Motor Company, and Chair, ANA Print Advertising Committee, and Robert Liodice, CEO and president of the ANA, focused on current challenges in the print advertising space and the increasing needs of advertisers for improvements in marketing accountability.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-16-05    
Topic: Industry Events, Magazine, Newspaper

End Hunger Viral Work Challenged, Praised

Good Or Bad Viral?

the now corporation and HB XIV created a site, intended to virally call attention to hunger, called For Mother's Day which included a video montage of women breastfeeding babies. The site originally linked to charitable hunger-relief organization America's Second Harvest until they complained, sending a threatening letter to Domains by Proxy, under which the now corporation had registered the site, asking the link to America's Second Harvest be removed from the For Mother's Day site. Even though the video could be seen as a bit racy by some, Hollywood actor Jeff Bridges, who runs his own hunger-relief organization called the End Hunger Network, had no problem with it and sent a complimentary note to the now corporation's president, Owen Plotkin. The For Mother's Day site now links to Bridges' End Hunger Network site and, heeding the request from America's Second Harvest, Plotkin removed that organization's link from the Mother's Day site.

Following the creation of the For Mother's Day site, Plotkin launched Paris Hilton Films, another site intended to virally spread the end hunger message. Paris Hilton Films, which features Carl's Jr. imagery of Hilton and pseudo videos, prominently features Bridges End Hunger site. Plotkin says, of these two efforts, he is simply trying to raise awareness of hunger issues. While acknowledging the racy aspects of his efforts, he doesn't understand why an organization like America's Second Harvest would want to limit exposure to its efforts.

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by Steve Hall    Jun-16-05    
Topic: Viral

GoDaddy Loves Its Customers

We just registered a domain with GoDaddy for another site. It's the first time we've used GoDaddy and we're sure its low price and hot Super Bowl commercial had something to do with our choosing GoDaddy this time around. All went well during the registration process and we figured that would be the last time we had any contact with GoDaddy until the registration would have to be renewed two years from now. Well, weren't we pleasantly surprised to receive a call from GoDaddy just now from their customer service department checking to see if the registration process went well. It was an unscripted, honest, un-rushed inquiry about our experience with GoDaddy which, without seeming forced, included the necessary "how did you hear of GoDaddy?" and "have have you considered our site traffic building service?"

The call was a positively shocking experience in this day of "couldn't give a shit" customer service most companies provide. The entire experience has now guaranteed GoDaddy our repeat business. The Super Bowl spot grabbed attention. Customer service instilled complete trust and confidence.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-05    
Topic: Brands

Distorted Dog Promotes Olympus Cameras


This is freaky. Very freaky. This spot, called Distorted Dog, another in a series for Olympus cameras, uses distorted imagery of dogs to somehow convey Olympus cameras are better than the competition. While we've never seen a camera do this to our dog, we hope we never see a dog like this one.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-05    
Topic: Commercials

'Chicken Little' Promoted With Art Gallery Chickens


To promote the upcoming Disney movie, Chicken Little, Boston-based marketing firm, ALT TERRAIN, enlisted 30 artists/influencers to transform unpainted vinyl Chicken Little characters into anything the artists chose for a bi-coastal gallery show and online auction. The first show was held May 19 at Meltdown in Los Angeles. The second show will be held June 16 at 360 Toy Group in New York. Check out some of the artists' work here.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-05    
Topic: Promotions

Multitasking Begets Multifragmentation

In yet another confirmation of the obvious, BIGresearch, in its upcoming Simultaneous Media Survey, found
that multitasking causes people to pay more or less attention to the individual multitasked activities depending upon which activity is receiving primary attention. In English, that means a person watching TV while on the Internet will pay less attention to both those media if they decide to make a phone call. Or, when the TV commands primary attention, the email being typed to a friend will pause mid-stream. You get the point. Most people can only do one thing at a time effectively. This whole multitasking thing is really a myth. It should really be called Multi-fragmentation. Afterall, that's what's happening. Attention is being further fragmented among multiple points of concentration.

by Steve Hall    Jun-15-05    
Topic: Research

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