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Brooks Runs Through Life in 90 Seconds

Brooks used to be a big name in running shoes and perhaps it still is. But with our widening waistline and endless onslaught of Nike and Reebok billion dollar ad campaigns, we just don't know. What we do know is Brooks has launched a video, called Run Workld Run, created by JohnsonSheen Advertising, incorporating catchy vocals written by Chris Ballew and animated by Matt Clark, that takes us on a 90 second walk through life courtesy of Brooks Running Shoes.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-05    

I'm Not Really Lovin' It

The Sneeze, which describes itself as "half zine. half blog. half not good with fractions," has, after wondering why McDonald's is so presumptuous as to assume everyone really lovin it, offered up a few, less presumptuous versions of the burger chain's trademark tagline. From "i'm just datin' it" to i'm just regrettin' it" to "i'm only likin it as a friend," The Seeze let's McDonald's know it might not want to assume so much.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-05    

Study: Internet Helps, Not Hurts Other Media

Forrester Research and Headlight Vision, commissioned by Yahoo and Mediaedge:cia will, today, release a study that shows the increase in Internet usage is actually increasing, not decreasing the consumption of other media. Detailed findings will be released during a Yahoo forum at the Museum of Television and Radio today. Early indications lead to the belief it's multitasking, not an increase in total media consumption, that's saving old media. Unfortunately, multitasking goes against the idea of "undivided attention" and "captive audience" many advertisers crave.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-05    
Topic: Research

NBC And ESPN Nab NFL Rights For $12.5 Billion

The broadcast rights for the National Football League's Sunday and Monday Night Football has been acquired by NBC and ESPN for an estimated $12.5 billion. Under the deal, NBC will broadcast Sunday Night Football and ESPN will broadcast Monday Night Football. Ad Age has the complete story.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-05    

HALLS Fruit Breezers Gets Croaky

Hall's teamed up with weebls-stuff to create a new Hall's Fruit Breezers site which includes the "Croaky Channel," basically a video illustrating how Fruit Breezers can improve one's croaky singing voice. The site teases with a new, yet un-launched channel, the Hoarse Network." Can't wait.

by Steve Hall    Apr-19-05    

Cookie Deletion Not A Big Deal

The Atlas Institute, research arm to ad serving company Atlas, recently published a Digital Marketing Insights report entitled, "Is the Sky Falling on Cookies?" The study was done in response to many other recently published studies that claim the deletion of cookies, small pieces of software identifying information that track user activity online, is rampant and a threat to online advertisers who need to know which ads to serve to people and what those people after clicking on an ad. The Atlas study, which did not just query people on their cookie deletion habits but matched survey response with actual user behavior gleaned from its 100 billion monthly served impressions, clicks and page views, found 56 percent of those who claimed to have deleted cookies at least monthly actually deleted them at intervals between 45 and 59 days.

Relating this behavior to ad response and conversion, the Atlas study cited past analysis has shown between 70 and 90 percent of conversions (click, visit, buy) occur within 24 hours of a cookie-placed click or impression making weekly cookie deletion almost a non-issue. Read the full report here.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-05    
Topic: Research

Mitchum Promotes Deodorant With Mitchum Man Website

Launched on April 8th in conjunction with an offline campaign, the Mitchum Man website which posits important man-isms such as "If you’ve spent hours arguing real vs. fake, you're a Mitchum Man" and "If Menage A Trois is the only French you know, you’re a Mitchum Man."

Mitchumman.com features a site of the day, content that aligns with the Mitchum image, and the Mitchum Man-O-Log, a collection of items that every man needs such as a 5 gallon bucket, a stuffed buck head, a gigantic remote, tube socks and economy frozen hamburgers. Whatev.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-05    
Topic: Online

Microsoft to Launch 15 Month Windows Campaign

Apparently eager to get that last 8 percent or so of the market, Microsoft is launching a giant, 15 month global ad campaign, called "Start Something," incorporating 51 TV spots, 39 print ads and 250 online ads. The campaign will focus on all the things Windows can do.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-05    
Topic: Campaigns

John Cleese Promotes Computer Backup

While it's about five minutes longer than it needs to be, this video, created in January to promote LiveVault disk data back up, thankfully, features John Cleese who can make anything amusing. In the video, Cleese, taking on the persona of Institute for Backup Trauma Director Dr. Harold Twain Weck (ha, ha, get it?), explains why disk back up is better than tape back up. Particularly humorous is when Cleese goes off on the IT staff explaining that while it might be difficult explaining the need for dick back up to IT types whose offices are festooned with Dilbert comics and stacks of Diet Pepsi cans as if they were the latest Martha Stewart home decor, Cleese's Institute for Backup Trauma has the solution.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-05    
Topic: Viral

Dutch Radio Station Promotes With Kooky Videos

Dutch radio station Studio Brussels is promoting itself with a couple of strange videos. Both are Olympic themed Music Games with the first focusing on a Break Dance Curling event and the second a 20 Meter Moonwalk.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-05    

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