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Survey: People Want More Clothed, Hetero People on TV

At least they're not gay

Three quarters of people surveyed by the Pew Research Center said that they wanted to see tougher enforcement of curbs on indecency in the media, particularly broadcast TV when children might be present. 60 percent said they wanted to see broadcast decency standards ported over to cable, and more than two thirds wanted to goose fines up further. Just about a third of all respondents said that they were concerned about content that showed homosexuals or dealt with gay issues. That same third of respondents later indicated they meant that concern in a very manly, decisive manner, not in an empathetic, whiny way.

by     Apr-22-05    
Topic: Trends and Culture

BK One-Ups Wendy's with Severed Hand

Unfortunate timing

Burger King has had so much fortune with its various daring commercials and viral efforts over the past couple years, but its luck ran out when Crispin Porter & Bogusky's newest effort (via Adland) happened to involve a severed hand. Severed hand, you ask? What could possibly go awry with a campaign for a big fast food burger that involved a severed hand? Yeah, now you see it. Wendy's recent fracas involving a chili-dipped severed finger of unknown provenance is currently slamming its marketshare nationwide, and especially on the West Coast, where that's actually considered grody.

by     Apr-22-05    
Topic: Commercials

KFC Brings Back 'Fried,' Colonel Gets Facelift

Still hip, kinda

AdJab points to what seems like a test effort to bring back the old Kentucky Fried Chicken branding after years of hiding the "fried" in the moniker KFC. One could easily wonder whether worrying about the impact of health concerns on the Kentucky Fried Chicken brand should be a priority when the founder-cum-spokes cartoon is an old guy dressed up in a white suit going by the name of Colonel. In all fairness, the real "colonel" didn't get his rank fighting to maintain the institution of slavery, but rather was awarded the honorary by the finger licking governor of Kentucky in 1935. Still, that's a fairly esoteric explanation to get across to urban fast food customers for whom southern gentlemen get-ups remind them most of Boss Hogg, if not the men who worked carefully to undo the social policies of Reconstruction. KFC owner Yum! Brands has to date neutralized this seeming brand albatross by caricaturing the founder in cartoon and having him - I have difficulty bringing myself to type it - rap.

by     Apr-22-05    
Topic: Campaigns

JibJab Launches New Piece


Last night JibJab launched (via MarketingVOX) a new viral video celebrating the digestive intricacies of Matzah. Intel runs a short repurposed TV ad in the beginning of the spot.

by     Apr-22-05    
Topic: Viral

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Welcome to the New Adrants

As you have, no doubt, noticed, Adrants looks different today. Different in a much better way. We owe, with gratitude, this difference to Komra Moriko of design-4-results. A few things to note about functionality:

  • Clicking the date at the bottom of the post takes you to a page with stories from that day.
  • Clicking the magnifying glass take you to the individual story page (Permanent Link).
  • Clicking the envelope also takes you to the individual story page where you can email the story to a friend.
  • Clicking the thought bubble allows you to comment on the story.
  • Clicking any story's headline takes you to that item's individual story page (Permanent Link).
We hope you like it and there's bound to be a few bugs so feel free to contact us with any questions, comments or suggestions.

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-05    
Topic: Announcements

Jose Cuervo, Dunkin' Donuts Launch New Campaigns

Compiling a mother lode of newly launched ad campaigns, MediaPost's Amy Corr, writing this week's Out to Launch column, informs us about campaigns from Jose Cuervo, Dunkin Donuts with Johnny Damon, the Magazine Publishers of America, Got Milk, BC Dairy, T-Mobile, Orbitz, Olive Garden, Garnier with Heather Graham, WE, Showtime for Reefer Madness, Cigna, Lipton and palmOne.

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-05    
Topic: Campaigns

Hosting Company Visits Bob's Cube

Hosting company Hostway hooked up with Chicago's 15 Letters who designed this very immersive Flash site called Bob's Cube. The site, lets you snoop around the cubicle of a bored IT guy, read his private diary, read his books, page through his doodle book, listen to his phone messages, check out the rear view mirror he has mounted on the side of his computer to watch office activity and play all kinds of games. All this while being subtlely branded by Hostway.

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-05    
Topic: Viral

Dannon Launches Frusion Advergame, Desktop Recipes

Dannon has launched two online adver-items. The first, called Fusion Breakfast Brawl, is a game promoting the breakfast smoothie and is modelled after the old Nintendo game Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. The second is a downloadable desktop application called the Dannon Recipe Box, which contains Dannon-supplied recipes, but also allows users to create and organize their own culinary creations.

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-05    
Topic: Online

Woods' Nike Shot Gets Viral Play

Beating Nike to the punch capitalizing on Tiger Woods' famous 16th hole shot, a site called, "how did it go in?" humorously posits Woods' Nike adored golf ball had a bit of assistance finally falling into the whole. Sharing theories such as the "Treadmill Tremor" to the "Farting Spectator" to the Massive Poop" to the "gilmore," someone claiming to be University of Kenton student Jeff Stone gathers strong evidence countering the "myth" Woods' shot went in without assistance. Of course, the whole thing could just be a Nike viral stunt which wouldn't be too surprising since the site is registered by Proxy (anonymously).

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-05    
Topic: Viral

Save The Earth Foundation Launches Annual Auction

To Celebrate its tenth anniversary, Save the Earth Foundation is commemorating its 1995 Earth Day Internet auction with a larger and grander auction occurring both online and offline. Over 200 celebrity-autographed items in music, sports and rare merchandise will be auctioned live on radio stations across the U.S. and online on at savetheearth.net to benefit the Save the Earth Foundation.

This year the Save the Earth Foundation has added a new Hip Hop and Pop element to its auction by working with K-DAY 93.5 in Los Angeles to promote the online auction on Overstock.com of 10 microphones autographed by the biggest stars in Hip Hop and Pop: Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Snoop Dog, Jay-Z, Nelly, Ice Cube, Eminem, Beyonce, Christina Aquilera, and Jennifer Lopez.

more »

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-05    
Topic: Promotions

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