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Paris Hilton Promotes Movie With Podcast

The girl who's famous for nothing is joining the geek squad by launching, on April 29, a podcast to promote her upcoming Stephen King movie House of Wax releasing May 6. Yes, now you can hear celebutante Paris Hilton coo, witlessly in your ears about her life, shopping and her tribulations making the movie. Podcasting has entered the building.

OK, so it's really Warner Brothers that's launching the podcast and using Hilton's popularity to promote it and the movie. As BL Ochman points out, this a good thing and a bad thing. It's good that podcasting will get major play. It's not so good the world's going to be introduced to podcasting by listening to Paris whimper about her life. On the upside, the movie stars Elisha Cuthbert.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-05    

Viral Marketer Slams Brand to Promote Leukemia Cause

In an effort to draw attention to the worthy cause of Children with Leukaemia, AsaBailey has created a series of ads trashing personal hygiene cosmetics company L'Oreal as if they are related to the cause of Leukemia. While the "send to a friend" campaign is branded L'Orael (note different spelling), it's a brazen attempt at publicity at the expense of a brand that, as far as we know, doesn't kill kids.

While wrapped in the Leukemia flag and enabled by Bmycharity, the stunt is promoting Paul Tomkins' participation in back to back marathons to raise money for the charity. The cause is just but the tactics are questionable especially the non-sensical promotional cards showing Paul interacting with other brands for no apparent reason.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-05    

Nielsen to Incent Local People Meter Users

Apparently, according to Nielsen, African American, Hispanic and large families are a bit shy of intelligence when it comes to using their people meters. To combat that, the company is rolling out a training program in six marketers to help couch these groups on the proper use of the local people meter survey mechanism, recently under fire for performance issues. The couching, in New York, LA, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., will include incentives for watching more TV...uh...we mean proper use of the monitoring device. The training is to include a written manual and classroom education.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-05    

'Tryvertising' The Cool New Marketing Term

Trend watcher, TrendWatching has coined the term "Tryvertising" and likens it to various forms for viral and word of mouth advertising. On the one hand, it's just a new word, like viral advertising and word of mouth marketing, to describe a common information proliferation practice that's been in place since humans learned to communicate. On the other hand, it describes the increasing participation people engage in using the Internet via blogs, Tremor (and now, Tremor Moms), sampling sites and brand placement to "converse" about brand opinion and preference. While top-down, one way, brand to consumer communication will always have a place, successful marketers will realize that monitoring and engaging in brand conversation will become increasingly important.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-05    

Dockers Co-Ops 'The Apprentice' in Online Promotion

Dockers, along with FHM has created a site that features the cast of The Apprentice modeling the company's clothes and answering probing interview questions such as "What's your best pick up line?" and "What wouldn't you be caught dead wearing in the boardroom?" Oddly, none of the contestants answered that question, "Standard preppy-wear from Dockers."

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-05    

Radio Comes to Cell Phones

Yesterday, MSpot launched MSpot Radio, a satellite radio-like, subscription streaming radio service designed for reception on cell phones. Currently used by Sprint, the service costs $5.95 per month and offers 13 channels of music, news, sports, finance, weather and talk including National Public Radio.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-05    

Contextual Advertising Makes Triple Play

While search engine marketers sing the praises of contextual advertising, we love to sit on the sidelines and snicker at some of the more intriguing juxtapositions this far from perfect ad technology delivers. Today, it's The Ultimate Triple Play from Orbitz placed perfectly next to a different, and not so legal, triple play by former NBA player Shawn Kemp involving cocaine, marijuana and a gun. Thanks to Greg Johns for pointing this one out.

UPDATE: More contextual foolery: Google text ads are selling music albums created by the late Pope John Paul II.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-05    

Oink Ink Radio Announces Eighth Annual Dead Radio Contest

Oink Ink Radio, a bicoastal agency specializing in the creation and production of award winning radio commercials, announced today the call for entries in its Eighth Annual Dead Radio Contest. Frustrated copywriters across America are invited to submit their best radio scripts that suffered heart-wrenching deaths at the whim of their client's egos. The winning script will be produced – or resuscitated – by Oink Ink, free of charge, who will also fly the winners to New York or Santa Monica to attend the recording.

Seems the contest has paid off. Two past contest spots went on to achieve Mercury Finalist status as well as winners of National Addys and one Gold Winner at the London International Advertising Awards. Last year’s Dead Radio winner was Greg Christiansen, hailing from Young & Rubicam/Chicago. His spot entitled "Testing" was designed for the Miller Brewing Company promoting their new Fridge Pack.

All contestants submitting scripts will receive a copy of the winning entry. The deadline for entries is May 15, 2005. Enter here. Oink Ink’s East Coast office is located at 38 Greene Street in Manhattan’s SoHo district. Its West Coast office is located at 1119 Colorado Avenue in Santa Monica, CA.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-05    

Virgin Mobile Promotes Pay Plan With Wacky Subway Commercial

OK, this is just plain weird. If you thought Burger King's Hootie spot was weird, take a look at this commercial called, Subway, for Virgin Mobile's Pay As You Go Plan. Weird. Just weird. Thanks, Rick.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-05    

Cat Pee Billboard Distracts

The last thing we need while driving into the city sucking down our second latte, fighting with our girlfriend on the phone while texting the other girlfriend is a billboard with the giant headline PetPeePee. Yes, PetPeePee. It sort of makes it difficult to remember whether you're talking to Julie via text or Amanda via voice. Or was it Amanda via text and Julie versus voice? Not a situation you want to be in. Of course, we've never been in that situation nor have we ever seen this billboard while driving, let alone text one girlfriend while chatting with the other but someone was quick enough to snap this picture of this for us all to enjoy.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-05    

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