National Pork Board: 'McRib ... I am Your Father'

The cats over at the US Food Policy blog have shot us some compelling information about the McRib.
To start with, they introduced us to the McRib's ingredients, which are fairly unsavory (blame the bun and the sauce). Then, they dropped the microsite on our heads.
We really hate seeing chicks that appear to be affiliated with a subculture (pop rock much?) introduce a product, then stand around pouting while waiting for us to make a move with our mouse. It is indescribably tacky.
But that's a digression. The real reason why US Food Policy sent us over to McRibland was because the National Pork Board, backed by the federal government, claims to have created the McRib (per its '06 annual report).
Anybody who's seen Thank You for Smoking may not find this odd. We certainly don't. And we continue to maintain that parents need to educate their children about the dangers awaiting them in this big deceptive world - including tricky marketing. At the very least, it would be nice to think that the government doesn't collude in our market intrigues.
Maybe that's wishful thinking. So while we're on this moving train, way to take one for Team Obesity, guys.
Mcrib dot com is aimed squarely at 18+ demographic.
No children targeted here...just young adults...
OMD is mcd's main media planinng agency and they are spot on with their targeting (imho). I give this campaign a four star rating.
no deception and zero kids targeted...adarthurity
Thanks for weighing in, Arthur