Kooky Musical Bodysuit Guy Returns with Mic-Spitting Competitor


Pjotro of the musical bodysuit is back to promote the Nokia NSeries phones (which, yes, store music). This time he's got competition, the freestyling DJ eFFeX.

The pitch goes, both guys think they're music. (We're not really sure what that means.) You get to manipulate the battle between them thereby proving you, in fact, are music. And hopefully this will make you want to buy an NSeries phone, which means you may have to forego the media miracle cure coming out this summer.

Trailer is here. The campaign was created by Sweden's FarFar.

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (1)     File: Mobile/Wireless, Online     Jan-26-07  


I think this is one instance where there's some cultural dissonance. I bet this would be a riot if you were Japanese.

Posted by: somewherein72 on March 6, 2007 10:39 PM

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