Hotpants + Cleavage + Wal-Mart Git 'R Done For Country Singer


If you're into the whole cowboy-up, redneck, git 'r done scene and want to assume Danny Griego's new Wal-Mart Girls single is just a marketing ploy by his record label, Miramonte Records, to get his new album into Wal-Mart, you just might like this music video (does not seem to work with Firefox) featuring the sort of Wal-Mart girls you will certainly never see in an actual Wal-Mart. Except for the ones that dolled themselves up for Playboy. Ad Age couldn't help themselves.

The video aired twice as an ad during last week's Independence Bowl and is said to be a ploy to boost consumer demand at Wal-Mart forcing the overtly conservative retailer to allow hotpants and boobs onto their CD racks. Of course, the record label denies it's a ploy, Wal-Mart has distanced itself but did say it may carry the album if demand warrants.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Good, Online, Racy, Television, Video     Jan- 3-07  


Video doesn't work on Macs, either. Interesting that this video was directed by none other than "The Ricker" Rick Schroder.

Posted by: Sean on January 4, 2007 02:15 PM

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