Talking About Sex Makes For Better (And Safer) Sex
Before the wonders of the Internet, we never had the pleasure of experiencing how open other countries are about the subject of sex. In America, we toss the subject into a box, throw away the key and hope no one ever finds it. Caffeine Marketing points us to a Belgium-based sex and AIDS awareness campaign by Sensoa. There are several versions of the ad that were developed for both the general public as well as specific audiences such as school children and homosexuals. Translated, one of the ads reads, "Oral, vaginal, anal. How about verbal? Say what you like, what you expect, how far you will go. And expect the same from your partner. Because good agreements makes good sex."
Written by Steve Hall
Comments (1)
File: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Magazine, Newspaper, Racy
Dec- 7-06

I thought the woman in the ad was saying, "It's good to be on top."
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