Newsflash! TimeLife Hooks Up With Brightcove to Release 'Get Smart'


Whoa. Stop the presses! Are you ready? Are you read ready for this? Now....oh, we're so excited about, yes you, with help from TimeLife and Brightcove, can get...hold your breath...Get Smart: The Complete Collection. Yes! It's true! People have been clamoring for this for 40 years! Fourty years, my friends. Can you think of a more important DVD release to use when announcing a partnership a partnership between a big publisher and an online video/TV company? No, we didn't think so. Damn, these guys are good at generating buzz! Wow, that took a lot of energy to write. We have to go take a nap now and then order up our copy of Get Smart: The Complete Collection.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Online, Video     Dec-13-06  


I'll be more excited when Time-Warner & Paramount get their shit together enough to put the original BATMAN TV series on DVD.

Posted by: VJB2 on December 21, 2006 07:20 PM

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