Virgin's Bleepin Awesome Awards Has Vague Theme


Kevin Smith, better known as Silent Bob, hosts Virgin Mobile's premier Bleepin Awesome Awards. Would-be winners enter their videos on Youtube for a chance to get aired on Times Square at New Years.

Videos must showcase a person or thing getting transformed into a more "bleepin awesome" version of itself. We neither know nor care what that means but after a perusal of entries we decided we really want this guy to win. Because come on, how many people can deduce that gratuitous use of smileys, LOLs and exclamation points is directly proportionate to your worship of cats?

But we digress. Um, check out a video of Kevin Smith bleepin a lot here. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (3)     File: Events     Nov-17-06  


Under the radar!

Look out, paid media channels!

Why? Because THIS piece of viral content has OVER 151 entries with about two weeks to go in the contest!

That's right OVER 151!

Go Mother! Way to make us look twice at the competitive landscape and let pure Mother COOL be your media buy!

Posted by: dean on November 19, 2006 05:18 PM

This guy sucks!!!! There are better vids on the top6!!!! With more talent and thought!!! This one is STUPID compared to the rest!!!!

Posted by: Melissa on December 11, 2006 04:17 PM

This guy sucks!!!! There are better vids on the top6!!!! With more talent and thought!!! This one is STUPID compared to the rest!!!!

Posted by: Melissa on December 11, 2006 04:18 PM

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