'Turistas Go Home' May be Underhanded Anthem

Here's an interesting ad for the film Turistas which comes out December 1. So soon after the other anti-tourist film Hostel, we're guessing there's a growing distaste for obnoxious half-naked co-eds traveling the world. The billboard's mild urban terrorist style is also disturbingly appealing. - Contributed by Angela Natividad
So much for our holiday travel plans, eh gel?
I was so looking forward to running topless across the Brazilian landscape
What kind of douchebag would have a problem with half naked co-eds running around? With the bouncing and everything? Tell 'em Hawaii is perfectly safe. I'll keep an eye on things to make sure nothing goes awry.
Steve, there must be something else behind this. Maybe that chick who disappeared in Aruba inspired a new wave of fear-based Hollywood cashing-in.
This is the best blog you have
True, slasher horror films are generally just a reflection of whatever brand of misogyny happens to be most popular at the time. That's why most people dislike them. But their fans will reliably pack in the theaters so the box office will always be impressive.
This movie is a lie!!! That's not Brazil.
This movie is a lie!!! That's not Brazil.