Snickers Puts Us In Contact with Creepy Inner Child


The scenario: opening the front door, expecting to find a trick-or-treater, and finding yourself as a six-year-old staring back at you. TBWA/Chiat/Day writer Robert Kleman tells AdCritic that this ad "[taps] into the thought that if you were a kid this Halloween, you'd like to be given Snickers." We're happy he explained because we couldn't think further than "Dude. Fucking twisted."

The ad's a photographic collabo between Shawn Michienzi and Julian Wolkenstein. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

Written by Angela Natividad    Comments (3)     File: Magazine, Strange     Nov- 3-06  


At least it's better than this guy playing an upside down guitar in front of a green screen:

Posted by: Adam Guggenheim on November 3, 2006 02:04 PM

There is a new word which is causing quite a stir in New Zealand, "starkish" defined as, 'anyone or anything exhibiting a sense of good proportion and taste.' According to Urban Dictionary proper use of the word include: "Wow, you're looking starkish tonight." "Snapped up someone Starkish yet?" "Yeah, she is really starkish."
Some believe it is a marketing campaign, which it could be a campaign to get the word in the english dictionary. However it doesn't look like someone in PR or advertising could do. Everyone seems to be using it and it's out in places like cafes, shops and restaurants! Even used on tv/radio, by bands, in newspapers and has a site dedicated to the debate about what it really is:
I'm still not entirely sure what it is for, but starkish is beginning to get a cult following in NZ! Check it out!

Posted by: john on November 5, 2006 02:52 AM

These ads are freakin amazing. I wish I did them.

Posted by: Leon on November 6, 2006 02:03 PM

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