Restless Legs Kicks Off Domino Effect, Calls Attention to Disorder

After we stopped laughing and realized Restless Legs Syndrome is, in fact, a real affliction, we thought his DBM/Leeand Dan-created Honda Cog-like video which consist of an elaborate domino set up kicked off by a pair of restless legs wasn't half bad. It's sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline which means they must have some sort of drug for the affliction. Anyway, it's no Honda Cog but it is always fascinating to watch the domino effect and wonder if it's going to work all the way through.
"wasn't have bad"??? You must mean HALF bad, right? I've noticed lexicon, syntax and spelling errors creep into your daily diatribes quite often... and laying the blame on typos is probably a cop-out!
This spot could have been much better if it used the domino effect to convey the fact that restless leg syndrome can effect those around you.
I seem to have this RLS problem from time to time, and I can assure you that it effects my wife when I'm kicking around in the middle of the night.
just a thought.
sorry about the errors but they are, in fact, typos because I suck at typing, OK? And I know how to fucking spell. Wanna see my reports cards?
The lighting sucks. Maybe this is me being nitpicky but the art direction seems to be going for this amateur look. I take it that we're supposed to believe that this is "user generated" content, that this dude meticulously set up an elaborate rube goldberg type scenario in his house, shot it on multiple cameras at several angles and with wide lenses, but neglected to turn the lights on in his house?
What a loser.
Oh yeah, and that dude just looks like he's kicking in his sleep.
i've got restless leg syndrome too.
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