Men Dirty. Men Mean. Women Clean. Women Redeem


We have no idea whether this is new or not or why, once again, men are crapped on as unfeeling idiots and women are portrayed as the only ones who have sensitivity and can do laundry. Oh wait. Of course we do. Because it's all true. Men ruin beauty. Women preserve it. Or something like that. Argue amongst yourselves after you view this stainball hunting video from Shout.

by Steve Hall    Nov-16-06   Click to Comment   
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Video   

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your video link isn't working.

Posted by: Don Williams on November 16, 2006 5:22 PM

your video link isn't working.

Posted by: Don Williams on November 16, 2006 5:22 PM

You can see the vid at good stuff.

Posted by: Pete N. on November 16, 2006 5:34 PM

Wow, it'a actually pretty funny.

Posted by: Dan on November 16, 2006 8:46 PM

Funny, but why do the men against women take? Lots of women I know leave their dirty laundry on the front stoop and have it picked up by the hired cleaners.

Posted by: the maid is IN on November 16, 2006 8:58 PM

This is lame. Not just because it's one more cheap shot at men.

Posted by: pat smith on November 16, 2006 10:04 PM

With crap like this, it's no wonder teenage boys don't want to go to college. A disservice to society.

Posted by: DofAM on November 16, 2006 10:20 PM

Hi, my name is art and I'm an advertising addict.
I laughed; I almost cried. I haven't been so moved since the final moments of ET.
Within seconds of the end of this advertisement I realized I need to get to a meeting.

Bottom line:

This is my single favorite ad spot for TV and WOM spread of 2006. The soundtrack, terrific visual editing along with stellar performances compel me to give this five stars. I immediately thought I need to buy this product to reward the agency that produced it and do my part to make sure they are encouraged with many more such contracts!

Posted by: arthur on November 17, 2006 1:09 PM

Can you count the clich�s in this commercial? It�s just a bad commercial. The man vs. women, women are smarter, use of an object as a living thing � all these concepts have been way over done. Putting them all together into one commercial just made it bad. Love the product, but this would have made me NOT buy it.

Posted by: Skingly on November 17, 2006 2:02 PM

I didn't take it as men -vs- women as much as metaphors for stains and cleanliness. I think it is 2 sides of the same person - the hunters sort of represent our clumsiness when we spill on ourselves. The women represent how we want to be - clean and responsible. Or maybe I am just thinking about it too much.

When I first saw it, it made me laugh. Maybe that is as much as I should think about it.

Posted by: jwerk on November 19, 2006 10:37 PM

This is another ad that is trying to "go viral". Unlike most ads that are trying to do that, this one actually entertains. I give it a thumbs up. I'll pass it along.
Does anyone know if the product actually works??

Posted by: AdDude on November 19, 2006 10:42 PM

I have kids and the wipes do work! You just have to scrub the stain a little.

As for the video, I think its a great little story, who cares that its for a cleaning product. It entertained me, made me laugh and i passed it on. I enjoyed the little details that brought you in and made it not feel like an ad. Its not an ad. Its a short movie. This defiantely entertained me. I'd like to see more brands do things like this.

Posted by: Lex on November 20, 2006 11:14 AM

I love the video. I think it is a really cute idea of the stain attcking the white pants and the shout wipe saving them! Love the video and the product!

Posted by: Mare on November 20, 2006 4:16 PM

This is pretty good I guess. Better than most things that SC Johnson and FCB (excuse me, DRAFT FCB) usually does.
Better than their Cannes Lions ad that is for sure.

OK. Now they are back to even

Posted by: fliptastic on December 1, 2006 12:44 AM

Hahaha made me laugh forsure. Do people ever hunt one another down with condiments is the real question. Esspecially in the forest. This commercial would have been better if, actual realistic accidents would have been easier for the viewer/consumer to relate to, and see the product works while cleaning the stain. For instance coffee stains or other types of spills. As far as I know men help create beauty. Any child that had a good father that stuck around will tell you so.

Posted by: Ten Boom on February 7, 2007 9:51 AM

Hahaha made me laugh forsure. Do people ever hunt one another down with condiments is the real question. Esspecially in the forest. This commercial would have been better if, actual realistic accidents would have been easier for the viewer/consumer to relate to, and see the product works while cleaning the stain. For instance coffee stains or other types of spills. As far as I know men help create beauty. Any child that had a good father that stuck around will tell you so.

Posted by: Ten Boom on February 7, 2007 9:52 AM

Hahaha made me laugh forsure. Do people ever hunt one another down with condiments is the real question. Esspecially in the forest. This commercial would have been better if, actual realistic accidents would have been easier for the viewer/consumer to relate to, and see the product works while cleaning the stain. For instance coffee stains or other types of spills. As far as I know men help create beauty. Any child that had a good father that stuck around will tell you so.

Posted by: Ten Boom on February 7, 2007 9:53 AM

Hahaha made me laugh forsure. Do people ever hunt one another down with condiments is the real question. Esspecially in the forest. This commercial would have been better if, actual realistic accidents would have been easier for the viewer/consumer to relate to, and see the product works while cleaning the stain. For instance coffee stains or other types of spills. As far as I know men help create beauty. Any child that had a good father that stuck around will tell you so.

Posted by: Ten Boom on February 7, 2007 9:56 AM

Hahaha made me laugh forsure. Do people ever hunt one another down with condiments is the real question. Esspecially in the forest. This commercial would have been better if, actual realistic accidents would have been easier for the viewer/consumer to relate to, and see the product works while cleaning the stain. For instance coffee stains or other types of spills. As far as I know men help create beauty. Any child that had a good father that stuck around will tell you so.

Posted by: Ten Boom on February 7, 2007 9:57 AM