Minority-Owned Media Flooded With Insertion Orders


In a hilarious bit of satire, George Simpson tells the ad industry we should be very careful what we wish for when it comes to supporting minority-owned media as we knee jerk react to having our asses plucked like a chicken. George goes on to tell us minority groups have staged protests in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles and Detroit in reaction to ad agencies over reaction and subsequent purchase of every last bit of minority-owned media's inventory. Reportedly, commercial minutes on minority-owned television stations has risen to 49 minutes leaving only 2 minutes for actual programming.

Protesters are reacting angrily as the same over reaction seems to be occuring in monority-owned print as well. One protester is said to have said, "The News is like reading one of those fat fall preview issues of fashion magazines where you have to flip through a hundred pages of ads before you even find the table of contents. It took me over an hour to find the editorial page yesterday."

As agencies hurriedly ran to prevent their asses being plucked like a chicken in response to the New York City Council knocking on their door, media departments got very busy. One agency exec said. "We ran, alright, straight to our media departments--and bought up every pod, flight, column inch and pixel of minority-oriented inventory"

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (0)     File: Agencies, Good, Policy, Spoofs, Strange     Oct- 2-06  


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