YouTube's Lonelygirl15 A Hollywood Creation

Not that we didn't already know this buy in an LA Times article, the drama that is YouTube's Lonelygirl15 is unfolded and some compelling evidence - confirmed in a forum post here by the creators who say they are "building a website centered around video and interactivity - suggests the girl, the site and the videos are all creations of Hollywood talent shop Creative Artists Agency. Several sleuths did extensive research along with IP address tracking which led them to the conclusion, Lonelygirl15 is manufactured and, perhaps, was a lead up, Blair Witch Project-style, to a new film. If you haven't been following the saga, Lonelygirl15 is a teen who, in her videos, says she's home schooled, has a friend named Daniel, is part of a particularly strict religion and who, in her latest video said of stars in the sky, "They said I was doing something with my teacher, and that's when I stopped asking questions about stars." Ouch. Wonder where this is going next. Call us crazy but we do seem to remember reading, perhaps in Entertainment Weekly, about an upcoming movie that would center on an affair between a student and a teacher. Not that that subject hasn't been done hundreds of times before but the similarities are compelling. All of which is irrelevant since the creators say they are simply creating a website that "will allow everyone to enjoy the full potential of this new medium."
I hate this corporate shit. leave us alone in our space. Lonely girl...baloney girl
this looks like the same lame thing that coke did. also proves out again that we are smarter than corporate america. bring it on boys, we'll find you out.
Guess Lonley girl will be real lonely now....
funny - sounds corporate, but still makes me wonder since the LA Times article really didn't reveal much.
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