It's Official. Hot Pregnant Women to Replace Stupid Men In Ads


Two makes a trend and and now it's official. Hot pregnant women are the new advertising hood ornament. Following the formerly reported ad for SEAT Altea car maker which featured a hot pregnant woman adorning the hood of a car, hot pregnant (photoshopped) women are now promoting Nova Shin beer. Or at least we think that's what they're promoting. It was odd enough to have a pregos Demi Moore and Britney Spears on magazine covers. Now we'll be seeing them in ad everywhere because, of course, pregnancy is a beautiful thing, right?

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (9)     File: Strange, Trends and Culture     Sep-18-06  


I'm sorry, but I thought you weren't supposed to drink while pregnant? Explain to me how this is supposed to influence me to buy their product? Or is it just cause I'm not a guy I don't get it?

Posted by: Carrie on September 18, 2006 02:56 PM

Ir's non-alcoholic, you see. So you can get hot, pregnant chicks non-drunk and have your way with them. Because it's not like they'll get pregnant.

Or maybe she just has a deeply unfortunate beer belly.

Posted by: Kat on September 18, 2006 03:16 PM

I'm with you, Kat. A better tagline might be:

"Baby? Or liquid grain distillery...?"

Posted by: Ann Handley on September 18, 2006 03:42 PM

I've officially masturbated to everything.

Posted by: tom lout on September 18, 2006 03:49 PM

It's a health warning against beer bellies dear chap.

Posted by: Charles Frith on September 18, 2006 04:48 PM

"I've officially masturbated to everything."


Props Tom Lout.

Posted by: me on September 18, 2006 04:57 PM

Did you ever see one of them pregnant girls with a navel ring? It looks like a watermellon with a pop top.

Posted by: Old Redneck on September 18, 2006 05:18 PM

Regarding whether or not pregnant women are hot: of course they can be! My wife's pregnant and is incredibly hot. It borders on misogyny to imply that pregnant women can't be sexy. Granted, I'm talking about women who are really pregnant, not knocked-up by Photoshop.

Posted by: Matt on September 18, 2006 06:35 PM

Does this "trend" of hot pregnant women mean we're over the whole feminism thing and females are nothing but breeding-machines again? 'Cuz I'm cool with that.

Posted by: J on June 2, 2007 02:24 AM

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