Geeks Try to Stop Alltel's My Circle Plan


Like a scene out of Mallrats, four guys in this commercial for the Alltel Wireless My Circle plan plot a way to stop the "call ten friends for free no matter what plane they are on" feature because, after all, who could possibly have more than ten friends? Created by Campbell-Ewald, the spot is part of the wireless company's second campaign called "Sales Guys" which follows the initial "Icons" launch campaign. Beyond television, the campaign will include radio, print, event marketing, online advertising and webisodes. Be sure to check out the geeks on the Alltel website along with "Chad" who attempts to get in touch with competing wireless company CEO's to tell them about the My Circle plan.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (3)     File: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Magazine, Newspaper, Online, Radio, Television, Video     Sep-22-06  


Let me first say this: I am NOT a hater.

Nevertheless, my immediate response to this ad (on TV the other night) was to wonder, "Gee, what happened to the team that created the FUNNY ones?" (with "Chad," and the competitors' spokesperson look-alikes?)

If it IS the same creative team, please get back on--or off--your meds. This new stuff

Oh, who am I kidding. It's probably the client's fault.


Posted by: The Vice of Reason on September 22, 2006 03:39 PM

Note to "The Vice of Reason" I am old and mean. This commercial is stupid and I am tired of seeing it. I am tired of turing the tube to the Food Channel so I don't have to watch it.

Posted by: roy on September 23, 2006 09:27 AM

The entire series of "Sales Guys" ads is stupid and unfunny.

A giant metaphor with friendless teenage mall guys representing multi-million dollar corporations.

There's no way these parallels don't suck.

Posted by: Blue Spider on January 15, 2007 09:20 PM

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