Evian Pops Up, Affleck Pops Up, Hispanics Pop Up

- Jumping on the pop-up store trend, Sharpe Blackmore Euro RSCG launched the Evian Purity Spa in Toronto's Yorkville. The spa will operate for the month of September then close.
- This has absolutely nothing to do with advertising but you have to see this video of an interview Ben Affleck gave a few years a go with a Montreal-based French Canadian reporter for Jersey Girl during which he never let her off his lap.
- Caffeine Marketing offers up some important tips on requesting links from others sites to build your own site's popularity.
- Mack Simpson who works for Hispanic agency Dieste Harmel wants us to know there's an elephant inside the living room of Madison Avenue. That elephant is th burgeoning Hispanic market which is expected to have $863.1 billion in buying power by 2007 and making up 20 percent of the 20-34 population.
- Mack Simpson has also created a top ten list every young creative should heed. Don't be a dickhead, think twice/speak once and don't play politics are just a few.
We may want to pay a lot of attention to the remarks of Mack Simpson as well as others who work around the Hispanic market. That is a lot of "cash" and it will be spent some place.
Caffeine's tips aren't really worth listing...oh wait, maybe he just baited you into linking to him? The engines are getting smarter every day and tips like his first one are becoming less effective.
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