Nicky Hilton Gets It On With E!, Doesn't Film It


The Hilton sister who didn't film herself having sex for the world to see, otherwise known as Nicky, has signed a deal with E! which, in return for promoting the hotels on it's networks, will place network programming throughout Hilton's Nicky O hotels. Elevators will be equipped with an E! news ticker and the networks Live from the Red Carpet will air in the hotels bars and restaurants. Computers will be infested with the E! Online homepage and the network will, of course, be available in all guest rooms.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (1)     File: Cable, Celebrity, Online, Promotions     Aug-31-06  


Nicky Hilton now I'll give her a thumbs up. As for the promotion this likely will produce about as much excitement as the tv screens on gas pumps.

Posted by: Redneck on August 31, 2006 06:24 PM

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