Carmen Elektra Signs With Weight Loss Pill, Boobs Stay Big


Carmen Elektra seems to be very busy these days. Perhaps she really can't find any work and has to turn to advertisers for her paycheck. Not too long after she signed with Ritz Camera to be its spokesmodel, the actress has also signed with NV, "the world's first beauty-enhancing weight loss pill." Whatever that is. This ought to be fun to watch. Carmen takes the pill. Carmen lose weight. Carmen gets skinny. Carmen's fake boobs stay huge.

Written by Steve Hall    Comments (7)     File: Campaigns, Celebrity, Strange     Aug- 3-06  


"Perhaps she really can't find any work and has to turn to advertisers for her paycheck." -Steve Hall... George Clooney (no!) is doing voice-overs for a major Brand (brand spend in 2005.$144.9 million dollars)... perhaps CE's agent both found the 'face time' and the paycheck loaded with potential for explosive growth? ;P

Posted by: arthur on August 3, 2006 01:33 PM

...and it will all be captured forever; digitally, by the thoughtful and conscientious folks over at Ritz Camera!

Posted by: ms.tree on August 3, 2006 04:19 PM

Does she use a regular old tire pump or does she go down to 7-11?

Posted by: Tired on August 4, 2006 03:26 PM

hello I would like to know how to get nv to me (the pillule thus Carmen will elektra is spokesman) thank you to answer me bianka

Posted by: bianka poulin on March 15, 2007 06:36 PM

hello I would like to know how to get nv to me (the pillule thus Carmen will elektra is spokesman) thank you to answer me bianka

Posted by: bianka poulin on March 15, 2007 06:37 PM

Lose weight fast with diet pills -

Posted by: Barry on March 28, 2007 08:01 PM


Posted by: SP on October 8, 2007 08:31 AM

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