ad:tech Chicago Kicks Off With Exhibitor Party
Here I am again in Chicago, a town I've traveled to may times before in my Starcom/Leo Burnett Technology Group days, for the 2006 ad:tech trade show. As usual, the show kicked off with a party for the exhibitors held outside the Sheraton Hotel right next to the river. Of all the U.S.-based ad:tech shows, the Sheraton Chicago is the most beautiful. Next year, that will change but will likely remain just as nice a venue when the show moves to Chicago's Navy Pier next to Lake Michigan which, by the way, I'm looking at right now as I write this. About 3,200 people are expected to attend the show this year. Check out more Exhibitor Party and set up pictures here.
Hi Steve-
If you have an extra hour while you're in Chicago you should check out the Chicago Audissey. It is a 1 hour iPod tour through The Loop (with great music and a cool host).
It will probably take you through a side of Chicago you have never seen before.
If you want a free download just drop me an email.
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